Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1147
Hypogaeic anti epigaeic ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) assemblages of atlantic costal rainforest and dry mature and secondary amazon forest in Brazil: Continuums or communities
Meat, flour and sugar baits were used on the soil surface and buried to examine species composition of the ant fauna in three separate tropical forests in Brazil, and to control for the effect of the regional faunal pool. ...
How does leaf physiological acclimation impact forage production and quality of a warmed managed pasture of Stylosanthes capitata under different conditions of soil water availability?
(Elsevier B.V., 2021-03-10)
Tropical pastures play a significant role in the global carbon cycle and are crucial for world livestock production. Despite its importance, there is a paucity of field studies that clarify how tropical pasture species ...
Behavioral suites mediate group-level foraging dynamics in communities of tropical stingless bees
Competition for floral resources is a key force shaping pollinator communities, particularly among social bees. The ability of social bees to recruit nestmates for group foraging is hypothesized to be a major factor in ...
Future warming will change the chemical composition and leaf blade structure of tropical C3 and C4 forage species depending on soil moisture levels
Temperature and soil moisture strongly affect the nutritional value and digestibility of forage plants through changes in leaf chemical composition or the proportion of leaf blade tissues. In this study, we aimed to evaluate ...
Adaptation responses of tropical forage grass and legume species to degraded nutrient-poor acid soils of hillsides agroecological zone of Colombia.
(New Mexico State UniversityMéxico, 1997)
Turtle cleaners: reef fishes foraging on epibionts of sea turtles in the tropical Southwestern Atlantic, with a summary of this association type
(Sociedade Brasileira de Ictiologia, 2010)