Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 29
Reconsideration of Trichosalpinx minutipetala (Ames & C.Schweinf.) Luer (Orchidaceae: Pleurothallidinae)
Trichosalpinx minutipetala, considered a synonym of T. memor since 1997, is here recognized as a distinct species.
Tubella - die etwas anderen Trichosalpinx
Die Gattung Trichosalpinx gehört zur Subtribus Pleurothallidinae und wurde vor 30 Jahren von C.A. LUER (1983) neu beschrieben. Später wurde sie in vier Untergattungen, Trichosalpinx, Tubella, Pseudolepanthes und Xenia (LUER ...
A new species and a new record in Trichosalpinx (Orchidaceae: pleurothallidinae) from Peru
(Lankester Botanical Garden, University of Costa Rica, 2015)
A new Trichosalpinx (Orchidaceae: Pleurothallidinae) from the northern Pacific lowlands of Costa Rica
A new species of Trichosalpinx from the Pacific lowlands of Costa Rica is described and illustrated. Trichosalpinx reflexa, which is morphologically most similar to T. memor and T. ciliaris, is distinguished mainly by the ...
A new Pseudolepanthes (Pleurothallidinae: Orchidaceae) from Northwest Ecuador
(Lankester Botanical Garden, University of Costa Rica, 2021)
A new species of Trichosalpinx (Orchidaceae: Pleurothallidinae) from Costa Rica
Trichosalpinx sanctuarii, a new species of Orchidaceae, subtribe Pleurothallidinae, is described and illustrated. It most resembles T. ringens, from which it is distinguished in the text. The new species is endemic to Costa Rica.