Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 528
Natural infection by Paramphistomoidea Stiles and Goldberger, 1910 trematodes in wild Marsh Deer (Blastocerus dichotomus Illiger, 1815) from Sérgio Mottas's hydroelectric power station flooding area.
Studies on helminthfauna of marsh deer Blastocerus dichotomus Illiger, 1815 are rare, although helminthic diseases are an important cause of mortality in these animals. Fifteen male and female adult marsh deer from Sergio ...
Natural infection by Paramphistomoidea Stiles and Goldberger, 1910 trematodes in wild Marsh Deer (Blastocerus dichotomus Illiger, 1815) from Sérgio Mottas's hydroelectric power station flooding area.
Studies on helminthfauna of marsh deer Blastocerus dichotomus Illiger, 1815 are rare, although helminthic diseases are an important cause of mortality in these animals. Fifteen male and female adult marsh deer from Sergio ...
Pathological effects of Echinostoma paraensei infection associated with pyogenic abscesses caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa in Swiss Miece
(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2021)
Clinical, hematological, biochemical, and ultrasonographic aspects of platynosomum sp (trematoda: Dicrocoeliidae) infection of captive callithrix penicillata
Trematodes from the genus Platynosomum have been found to infect Neotropical primates in captivity, but little is known about their pathogeny in such hosts. This study evaluated the physiological effects of natural infection ...
Biodiversity of trematodes associated with amphibians from a variety of habitats in Corrientes Province, Argentina
(Cambridge University Press, 2013-09)
The main goals of this study were to compare the richness of parasitic trematodes in amphibians with diverse habits (terrestrial, fossorial, semi-aquatic and arboreal), and to evaluate whether the composition of the trematode ...
Trematode parasites from rice field of Correntes, Argentina
In altered environments, such as agricultural lands, studies of amphibian parasites can provide helpful information about the food web structure, parasite species abundance and composition, and environmental stress. Here, ...
Helminth communities of Nectomys squamipes naturally infected by the exotic trematode Schistosoma mansoni in southeastern Brazil
(Cambridge University Press, 2020)