Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 10
La Zona de Trapezognathus diprion en la ¨Formación Sepulturas¨, Espinazo del Diablo, Cordillera Oriental Argentina¨The trapezognathus diprion zone in the ̈sepulturas formation ̈of Espinazo del Diablo ̈, cordillera oriental, Argentina.-
(Instituto Superior de Correlación Geologica, 2011-05)
Se registra por vez primera la Zona de Trapezognathus diprion en los estratos de la ¨Formación Sepulturas¨ en el Espinazo del Diablo, las especies acompañantes son: Gothodus costulatus, Drepanoistodus pitjanti, Drepanoistodus ...
The Cononodont Trapezognathus Diprion (Lindström) in the Acoite Formation, Eastern Cordillera, Northwestern Argentina
(Asociación Paleontológica Argentina, 2013-07)
This work is developed in NW Argentina framed in the geological province of the Eastern Cordillera, characterized by a set of siliciclastic outcrops mainly related to the Cambrian and Ordovician periods. The main purpose ...
The Ordovician conodont Trapezognathus Lindström, 1955 in the Andean Basin, Argentina
(E Schweizerbartsche Verlags, 2013-03)
The central Andean basin is characterized by the presence of Ordovician deposits, distributed mainly in Northwestern Argentina. Conodonts from the Lower and Middle Ordovician were recovered from several outcrops from the ...
Early Ordovician (Late Floian) conodonts from the Zenta range, Cordillera Oriental, NW Argentina
(Asociación Paleontológica Argentina, 2013-07)
LOWER Ordovician strata from the Central Andean Basin are superbly exposed in the Zenta Range of the Cordillera Oriental, NW Argentina. At the Laguna Verde section (23°18'S, 65° 1W, 4500 MASL) the sedimentary succession ...
Conodontes foianos de la Formación San Juan en la quebrada de Talacasto, Precordillera de San JuanFloian conodonts from the San Juan Formation in the Talacasto creek, San Juan Precordillera
(Instituto Superior de Correlación Geológica, 2013-01)
En la presente contribución se dan a conocer por primera vez los géneros y especies de conodontes foianos de la Formación San Juan, provenientes de la clásica localidad de la quebrada de Talacasto. Se reconocen las zonas ...
La Zona de Baltoniodus triangularis (Conodonto) en el Paleozoico de la Cuenca Central Andina Sudamericana: formación Alto del Cóndor del Norte argentinoThe Baltoniodus triangularis Conodont Zone in the South American Lower-Paleozoic Central Andean Basin: the Alto del Cóndor Formation of northern Argentina
(Instituto Geológico y Minero de España, 2013-10)
La presente contribución menciona el registro de la Zona de Baltoniodus triangularis (Conodonta) en la Cuenca Paleozoica de los Andes Centrales Sudamericanos, en el ámbito geológico de la Cordillera Oriental del norte ...
Middle Ordovician (early Dapingian) conodonts in the Central Andean Basin of NW Argentina
(Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2013-07)
This paper describes and analyzes the significance of a conodont fauna from the Alto del Cóndor Formation, exposed in the Los Colorados region of the Argentine Eastern Cordillera. Identified taxa are Baltoniodus triangularis, ...
Stratigraphical distribution of the Ordovician conodont Erraticodon Dzik in Argentina
(Elsevier, 2013-08)
Three different species of the Ordovician genus Erraticodon Dzik are described and illustrated. E. patu Cooper is reported from the Lower-Midde Ordovician strata of the Acoite and Alto del Cóndor formations. E. cf. E. ...
Ordovician conodonts from Peru: new data and reappraisal - [Poster]
(Université Claude Bernard Lyon IFR, 2016-12)
Ordovician conodont faunas are poorly known from the northern part of the Central Andean Basin, in contrast with data from the northwest of Argentina and south of Bolivia, areas located in the southern part of the same ...
An early Ordovician (Floian) conodont fauna from the Eastern Cordillera of Peru (central andean basin)
(Universitat de BarcelonaES, 2008-06)
Late Floian conodonts are recorded from a thin limestone lens intercalated in the lower part of the San Jose Formation at the Carcel Puncco section (Inambari River), Eastern Cordillera of Peru. The conodont association ...