Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 208
Institutions in Crisis and Collective Action in Global Migration Contexts. The Case of Haitians Arrival in Tijuana, B.C., 2016-2017
How do new forms of global migration generate equally unusual forms of collective action? In mid-2016, hundreds of people of Haitian origin began arriving in Tijuana, B.C., (Mexico). The particularities of their immigration ...
Transnational activities of Colombians in the US A qualitative exploration of the migration-development nexus
(Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., 2016-01-01)
Purpose - This paper aims to analyse the transnational activities of Colombian migrants in the USA; the reasons why migrants engage, or not, in these activities; and the impact of migrants' transnational activities at the ...
As teorias dos movimentos sociais: um balanço do debate
(CEDEC, 2009)
Este artigo apresenta as três principais teorias de explicação dos movimentos sociais, constituídas nos anos 1970; a Teoria de Mobilização de Recursos, a Teoria do Processo Político e a Teoria dos Novos Movimentos Sociais. ...
Enhancing Civic Engagement in the Digital Age: Global Activism, New Media and the Virtual Public Sphere
New technologies –Internet, mobile phones, tablets- have the capacity to strengthen civic society and consolidate democracy around the world. Civic engagement and activism have adapted to virtual societies maximizing their ...
A produção do transnacional: compilações da agricultura familiar e camponesa na Contag e no MPA
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisUFMG, 2018-06-22)
Brazilian rural activists and their organizations have managed to influence some of the international debates concerning them, having become relevant actors in some transnational disputes. The dissertation focuses on how ...
O movimento zapatista e a solidariedade de classe transnacional: uma análise da luta de classes na globalização
(Universidade Federal de UberlândiaBrasilPrograma de Pós-graduação em Relações Internacionais, 2017)
Memoria trasnacional, ¿globalización normativa?: reconciliación, perdón y justicia en el este de Asia. El caso de las ex mujeres de confort y el Santuario YasukuniMemoria trasnacional, ¿globalización normativa?: reconciliación, perdón y justicia en el este de Asia. El caso de las ex mujeres de confort y el Santuario Yasukuni
(Anuario de Investigación USAL, 2018)