Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 258
Homens (trans): transmasculinidades na educação
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáCuritibaBrasilPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Tecnologia e SociedadeUTFPR, 2019-07-12)
In Brazil there is no deep survey of the transmasculine population, the recognition of the gender identities of these subjects, the social and political invisibility they face, as well as the multiple forms and expressions ...
Back to where they were: The socio-discursive representation of transgender sex workers and urban space in a television news report
(Frontiers Media, 2021-04-12)
Despite significant advances in recent years, Argentina’s transgender community still faces structural social exclusion. For a vast majority of transvestites and transgender women, early expulsion from the family home and ...
Abaixa que é tiro: representação de identidade por meio dos corpos trans
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáCuritibaBrasilEspecialização em Narrativas VisuaisUTFPR, 2018-06-15)
The transgender body can be represented in many ways. The Camila Falcão’s photographs in Abaixa que é tiro aims approach the identity representation in transgender bodies. This research, in view of the photographer's ...
Proportion of people identified as transgender and non-binary gender in Brazil
Studies estimate that gender-diverse persons represent 0.1 to 2% of populations investigated, but no such assessment was performed in Latin America. In a representative sample of Brazil’s adult population (n = 6000), we ...
Autopercepção vocal de pessoas transexuais
(ABRAMO (Associação Brasileira de Motricidade Orofacial), 2020-08-19)
Purpose: to describe the transgender people’s self-perception of voice. Methods: a total of 60 people participated in this cross-sectional study. They attended a reference outpatient center for the health of lesbians, gays, ...
Trans Reform: an initiative for the recognition of transgender rights in a university in Lima, Peru
(Elsevier, 2022)
BACKGROUND: The Peruvian Government does not recognise the identity of transgender and non-binary citizens. This barrier to access affirming identity documents affects access to education, health, and work. No medical ...
From “cure” to recognition: the right of transgender people to exercise identity and gender expresion through public health servicesDe la “curación” al reconocimiento: el derecho de las personas trans a ejercer su identidad y expresión de género mediante los servicios de salud que brindan los estados
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2016)
Proyecto documental ¿en qué día salgo yo?
(Universidad de LimaPE, 2021)
¿En qué día salgo yo? es un documental autobiográfico y experimental que retrata la
situación de personas transgénero ante abusos del gobierno ocasionados por las medidas
contra la pandemia COVID-19. Narrado como viaje ...
Transforming Youth Identities: Interactions Across ""Races/Colors/Ethnicities,"" Gender, Class, and Sexualities in Johannesburg, South Africa
(SPRINGER, 2010)
In South Africa, and especially in Johannesburg, apartheid's ""racial"" paradigms are being transformed. Fifteen years after the end of apartheid and the elimination of all forms of inequity based on notion of ""race,"" ...