Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 284
Percepciones de los docentes en formación sobre las actividades y los procedimientos en las prácticas pedagógicas I
(Universidad de La Salle. Facultad Ciencias de la Educación. Licenciatura en Español y Lenguas Extranjeras, 2016)
Pedagogical practices of physics teachers from the Catatumbo region, Colombia
(Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2020-08-05)
Pedagogical practice allows teachers to focus their attention on three types of
knowledge: disciplinary knowledge: what do I know, pedagogical knowledge: how do I
communicate what I know, and academic knowledge: how do ...
Pedagogical practices of physics teachers from the Catatumbo region, Colombia
(Journal of Physics: Conference SeriesMadrid , España, 2020-08-05)
Pedagogical practice allows teachers to focus their attention on three types of knowledge: disciplinary knowledge: what do I know, pedagogical knowledge: how do I communicate what I know, and academic knowledge: how do I ...
Pedagogical practices of physics teachers from the Catatumbo region, Colombia
(Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2020-08-05)
Pedagogical practice allows teachers to focus their attention on three types of
knowledge: disciplinary knowledge: what do I know, pedagogical knowledge: how do I
communicate what I know, and academic knowledge: how do ...
Pedagogical practices of physics teachers from the Catatumbo region, Colombia
(Journal of Physics: Conference SeriesMadrid , España, 2020-08-05)
Pedagogical practice allows teachers to focus their attention on three types of knowledge: disciplinary knowledge: what do I know, pedagogical knowledge: how do I communicate what I know, and academic knowledge: how do I ...
Medições pedagógicas à cidadania: o caso de uma Escola Estadual de Ensino Médio no Município de Pelotas/RS
(Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, 2019-03-13)
In the current context of Brazilian society, some issues such as citizenship, participation and education are given priority in the debates. In this sense, this thesis is a study about the pedagogical mediations to citizenship ...
Medições pedagógicas à cidadania: o caso de uma Escola Estadual de Ensino Médio no Município de Pelotas/RS
(Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, 2019-03-13)
In the current context of Brazilian society, some issues such as citizenship, participation and education are given priority in the debates. In this sense, this thesis is a study about the pedagogical mediations to citizenship ...
A coordenação pedagógica e a práxis educativa na escola
(Universidade Federal de Mato GrossoBrasilInstituto de Ciências Humanas e Sociais (ICHS) – RondonópolisUFMT CUR - RondonopólisPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Educação - Rondonópolis, 2014-03-11)
This research is linked to the Graduate Program in Education, (PPGEDU / CUR / UFMT) in Teacher Training and Educational row and Public Policy aims to examine how education professionals realize the pedagogical work of the ...
O trabalho pedagógico, as políticas públicas de universalização da educação básica e o curso normal: entre cabotagens, naufrágios e travessias.
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBREducaçãoUFSMPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Educação, 2015-08-25)
The present study deals with the Pedagogical Work and Public Policies for Universalization of Basic Education, was carried out from participation in the research line 02-School Practices and Public Policies for Universalization ...