Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 206
States of stress and slip partitioning in a continental scale strike-slip duplex: tectonic and magmatic implications by means of finite element modeling
(Elsevier, 2017)
Orogenic belts at oblique convergent subduction margins accommodate deformation in several trench parallel domains, one of which is the magmatic arc, commonly regarded as taking up the margin-parallel, strike-slip component. ...
The Calama-Olacapato-El Toro fault system in the Puna Plateau, Central Andes: Geodynamic implications and stratovolcanoes emplacement
(Elsevier, 2013-11-26)
The structural evolution of the Puna Plateau is characterized by the activity of both orogen-parallel and orogen-oblique faults. Understanding the possible relationship between these two structural styles, their geodynamic ...
Sinestral Rotation and NNW Shortening of the Ambato Block induced by Cenozoic NE to E-W Transpression, Argentina
(Madridge Publishers, 2019-09)
South of 27° S, where the Nazca plate sinks with low angle below the South American plate, the mountain ranges that constitute the Sierras Pampeanas where uplifted by reverse faults, tilted to the east, during the Pliocene. ...
Sinestral Rotation and NNW Shortening of the Ambato Block induced by Cenozoic NE to E-W Transpression, Argentina
(Madridge Publishers, 2019-08)
South of 27° S, where the Nazca plate sinks with low angle below the South American plate, the mountain ranges that constitute the Sierras Pampeanas where uplifted by reverse faults, tilted to the east, during the Pliocene. ...
Structural characterization of the Magallanes-Fagnano transform fault, Tierra del Fuego, South America
(Società Geologica Italiana, 2013)
Structural analyses in the area of Fagnano and Deseado lakes show different deformational events that took place in the southernmost South America. The compressional structures represent at least two deformational episodes ...
Structural and Deformation Analysis of Clasts in the Sedimentary Units of the Camarinha Formation, Paraná StateAnálise Estrutural e de Deformação de Clastos das Unidades Sedimentares da Formação Camarinha - PR
(Universidade de São Paulo, Instituto de Geociências, 2009)
Ocorrência de rocha alcalina no município de Piraí, RJ, e sua relação com o lineamento de Além Paraíba (nota preliminar)
(Centro de Ciências Matemáticas e da Natureza, Instituto de Geociências, Universidade Feder, 1977)
Analysis of the structural lineaments in the Domo de Lages, State of Santa Catarina, using satellite images and ahaded relief mapsAnálise de lineamentos estruturais no Domo de Lages (SC) com uso de imagens de satélite e mapas de relevo sombreado
(Universidade de São Paulo, Instituto de Geociências, 2010)
Sedimentary patterns in the Vinchina basin: interplay between compressional and transcurrent tectonism during the andean orogeny
(Istituto Nazionale Di Oceanografia E Di Geofisica, 2013-11)
The Nevados del Famatina, located in northwestern Argentina (Fig. 1), is one of the higher non-volcanic mountains belts in South America reaching up to 6200 m in height. Despite the fact that the uplift of the Nevados del ...