Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 39
Simulation and optimization of traffic lights for vehicles flow in high traffic areas
(Elsevier BVNetherlands, 2022)
Optimal cycle program of traffic lights with particle swarm optimization
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2013-12)
Optimal staging of traffic lights, and in particular optimal light cycle programs, is a crucial task in present day cities with potential benefits in terms of energy consumption, traffic flow management, pedestrian safety, ...
Reducing vehicle emissions and fuel consumption in the city by using particle swarm optimization
(Springer, 2015-04)
Nowadays, the increasing levels of polluting emissions and fuel consumption of the road traffic in modern cities directly affect air quality, the city economy, and especially the health of citizens. Therefore, improving ...
Traffic flow on realistic road networks with adaptive traffic lights
We present a model of traffic flow on generic urban road networks based on cellular automata. We apply this model to an existing road network in the Australian city of Melbourne, using empirical data as input. For comparison, ...
Automação de leitura de veículos automotores usando identificação por rádio frequência e inteligência artificial em semáforos
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáCuritibaDepartamento Acadêmico de Eletrônica, 2012-05-11)
The information age is still faces common problems, which require many hours, something precious in modern times, for people and companies, and which are also very expensive in the analysis of productivity as well as ...
Plan integral de señalización y semaforización vial del cantón Mera, provincia de Pastaza
(Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo, 2021-12-23)
The objective of the titling work was to propose a comprehensive road signaling and traffic signaling plan through a technical study aimed at reducing the accident rate and vehicular mobility in the Mera canton, Pastaza ...
Leveraging Emergency Response System Using the Internet of Things. A Preliminary Approach
(Cartagena de Indias, 2020-12-25)
The Internet of Things (IoT) is a new paradigm that is arising in all areas of technology, finding novel applications every day that can improve many aspects of people’s lives. Several applications using IoT have been ...
Propuesta de implementación de semáforos inteligentes para una mejora en la transitabilidad de la Av. José Gálvez en la ciudad de Chimbote
(Universidad Privada Antenor OrregoPE, 2022)
La presente tesis tiene como título: “PROPUESTA DE IMPLEMENTACIÓN
pertenece a la línea de investigación ...
Plan de movilidad del cantón Colta 2019 - 2023, provincia de Chimborazo
(Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo, 2020-02-03)
The present titling work named “Mobility Plan of the Colta Canton 2019-2023, Chimborazo Province” has as objective to improve the transport planning, traffic and cantonal road safety. This research parts of the analysis ...
Optimal arrival time scheduling of automated vehicles at intersections
A perspectiva de um ambiente urbano em que os veículos sejam automatizados, conectados e cooperativos motiva o estudo de novas estratégias de coordenação que têm o potencial de trazer ganhos significativos à segurança e ...