Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 15
Discontinuous modelling of shear bands using adaptive meshfree methods
A simple methodology to model shear bands as strong displacement discontinuities in an adaptive meshfree method is presented. The shear band is represented by a displacement jump at discrete particle positions. The ...
Meso-scale fracture simulation using an augmented Lagrangian approach
(Sage Publications Ltd, 2016-08)
A cohesive zone model implemented in an augmented Lagrangian functional is used for simulation of meso-scale fracture problems in this paper. The method originally developed by Lorentz is first presented in a rigorous ...
A Path-following technique implemented in a Lagrangian formulation to model quasi-brittle fracture
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2018-03)
A path-following strategy based on an energy release criterion is proposed and implemented in an augmented Lagrangian formulation to model localized cohesive cracks. The model is formulated in a rigourous variational ...
Multiscale formulation for material failure accounting for cohesive cracks at the macro and micro scales
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2016-01)
This contribution presents a two-scale formulation devised to simulate failure in materials with heterogeneous micro-structure. The mechanical model accounts for the nucleation of cohesive cracks in the micro-scale domain. ...
Continuum approach to material failure in strong discontinuity settings
(Elsevier Science, 2004-04)
The paper focuses the numerical modelling of material failure in a strong discontinuity setting using a continuum format. Displacement discontinuities, like fractures, cracks, slip lines, etc., are modelled in a strong ...
An objective multi-scale model with hybrid injection
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2018-02)
This paper presents a new semi-concurrent multi-scale model to study the behaviour of composite materials in softening regime. A mixed formulation is used to simulate discontinuities in both scales. The traction over the ...
On the fracture models determined by the continuum-strong discontinuity approach
(Springer, 2006-12)
The paper focuses on the Continuum Strong Discontinuity Approach (CSDA) to fracture mechanics, and the traction-separation cohesive laws induced from continuum dissipative models as their projections onto the failure ...
Computational modeling of cracking of concrete in strong discontinuity settings
(Techno-Press, 2004-12)
The paper is devoted to present the Continuum Strong Discontinuity Approach (CSDA) and to examine its capabilities for modeling cracking of concrete. After introducing the main ingredients of the CSDA, an isotropic continuum ...
An adaptive concurrent multiscale model for concrete based on coupling finite elements
A new adaptive concurrent multiscale approach for modeling concrete that contemplates two well separated scales (represented by two different meshes) is proposed in this paper. The macroscale stress distribution is used ...