Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 2855
The development of social tourism in Brazil
This article reflects on the origins and development of social tourism in Brazil, with particular reference to the socio-economic conditions in the country. It discusses the theoretical conceptualisation of social tourism ...
Estratégias de desenvolvimento do turismo: em busca de uma tipologia
(Economia e Sociedade, 2006)
O presente artigo se dispõe a elaborar uma proposta de tipologia sobre o desenvolvimento do turismo a partir da análise de algumas variáveis-chave que condicionam a evolução do setor em diferentes
países. Para tanto, ...
Tourism sector in Panama. Regional economic impacts and the potential to benefit the poor
(Universidad Católica Santa María La Antigua, 2014)
The Competencies of Human Talent Linked to the Development of Community Based Rural Tourism in the Province of Chimborazo Ecuador
(Universidad Nacional de Educación del Ecuador, 2020)
The Competencies of Human Talent Linked to the Development of Community Based Rural Tourism in the Province of Chimborazo Ecuador
(Universidad Nacional de Educación del Ecuador, 2020)
Bibliometric review of studies on sustainable tourism and climate change in 2019
(Facultad de Administración de Empresas Turísticas y Hoteleras, 2022-06-29)
Este estudio tiene como objetivo investigar publicaciones académicas sobre turismo sostenible y cambio climático en 2019. Debido al calentamiento global, el clima cambia día a día; los cambios climáticos afectan al turismo ...
Composite indicator for the assessment of Sustainability. The case of Cuban nature-based tourism destinations.
(ELSEVIER, 2013)
This paper presents a methodology for building a composite indicator to evaluate the sustainability of nature-based tourism destinations. It combines Principal Component Analysis (PCA), the distance to a reference point, ...
Measuring the competitiveness of tourism companies in Peru
(Universidad del Zulia, 2022-05-09)
The objective of the study was to analyze the levels of competitiveness in tourism companies in Peru, the model and methodology applied by the Secretary of Tourism of Mexico in 2014 was updated, called measurement of the ...
Residents’ perception of sustainable tourism in protected mountain areas: the case of Asturias
Spain is the country with the most Biosphere Reserves in the world, 52, and Asturias, with 7, ranks first among the single-province Autonomous Communities. The tourist interest in these natural spaces is increasing, but ...