Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1549
Pacific white shrimp, red drum, and tilapia integrated in a biofloc system: Use of tilapia as a consumer of total suspended solids
The objective of this study was to evaluate tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus, for the biological control of suspended solids in an integrated biofloc technology (BFT) system rearing red drum, Sciaenops ocellatus, and Pacific ...
Effect of different total suspended solids levels on a Litopenaeus vannamei (Boone, 1931) BFT culture system during biofloc formation
(Wiley Blackwell Publishing, Inc, 2017-03)
In a Biofloc Technology System (BFT), there is constant biofloc formation and suspended solids accumulation, leading to effects on water quality parameters that may affect the growth performance of cultured shrimp. This ...
Influence of land use and climate on the load of suspended solids in catchments of Andean rivers
(Springer, 2014)
Understanding the interaction between anthropogenic
land use and the rainfall pattern can be
crucial to predict changes in total suspended solids
(TSS) in streams and rivers. We assessed the effects of
land use and ...
Diel patterns of total suspended solids, turbidity, and water transparency in a highly turbid, shallow lake (Laguna Chascomús, Argentina)
(Springer, 2015-06)
The effects of external physical forcing variables (solar radiation and winds) on short-term dynamics of total suspended solids (TSS), Chlorophyll- a (Chl-a), turbidity levels, and water transparency were studied during ...
(School of Engineering, Taylor’s University, 2023)
The present study evaluated the performance of tannery effluent treatments by coagulation processes. This was done by combining each of the organic coagulants L-1544, L-1541, and L-1700 with aluminium sulphate, respectively, ...
Impacts of sedimentation on rainwater quality: case study at Ikorodu of Lagos, Nigeria
(Iwa Publishing, 2021-03-30)
This study investigated the impact of sedimentation on rainwater storage system using a case study at the Ikorodu area of Lagos state, a rural area in Nigeria. In this investigation, the proportions of Escherichia coli (E. ...
Determination of Labile Mercury in Impressions of Total Solids Suspended in Natural Waters by Direct Analysis by Thermal Decomposition Comparing via Cold Steam Atomic Fluorescence SpectrometryDeterminação de Mercúrio Lábil em Amostras de Sólidos Totais SuspensosemÁguasNaturaisporAnáliseDiretaporDecomposição TérmicacomparandoviaEspectrometriadeFluorescênciaAtômica de Vapor Frio
This work presents the validation of an analytical method for determining the lip fraction of Hg in water bottles. One proposal was reduced in reducing the temperature of glass fiber glass filters (0.7 μm GF / F), so that ...
Impacto de los sólidos suspendidos totales sobre la obstrucción en emisores de riego localizado de alta frecuencia.
Este estudio a escala piloto evaluó el impacto de los sólidos suspendidos totales, SST, sobre la obstrucción en emisores de riego localizado de alta frecuencia, RLAF, empleando como tratamiento para mejorar la ...
Sistema construtivo alternativo para wetland de fluxo horizontal empregado no tratamento de esgoto de restaurante universitário
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáLondrinaBrasilEngenharia AmbientalUTFPR, 2016-06-28)
The aim of this work was to propose the construction of a Wetland system with recycled materials and for an affordable price. The conFiguration used a horizontal flow and Typha dominguensis as macrophyte. The system was ...
Reusable rainwater quality at the ikorodu area of lagos, nigeria: Impact of first-flush and household treatment techniques
Water scarcity is a huge problem in Africa, and hence rainwater becomes a crucial water source for fulfilling basic human needs. However, less attention has been given by African countries to the effectiveness of common ...