Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 2375
On the energy of symmetric matrices and Coulson’s integral formulaSobre la energía de matrices simétricas y la fórmula integral de Coulson
(Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Facultad de Ciencias, Departamento de MatemáticasÁlgebra U de ABogotá, Colombia, 2022)
Mylar Secondary Emission-energy Distribution and Yields
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2014-02-01)
We have characterized Mylar by determining the emission yield and energy spectrum of emitted secondary electrons. In this study we used a conventional electron accelerator apparatus to which we have made some important ...
Mylar Secondary Emission-energy Distribution and Yields
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2014)
Mylar Secondary Emission-energy Distribution and Yields
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2014)
Is the decrease of the total electron energy density a covalence indicator in hydrogen and halogen bonds?
(Springer, 2013-05)
In this work, halogen bonding (XB) and hydrogen bonding (HB) complexes were studied with the aim of analyzing the variation of the total electronic energy density H(rb) with the interaction strengthening. The calculations ...
Interstitial Boron in Tungsten: Electronic Structure, Ordering Tendencies, and Total Energy Calculations
(International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, 1999)
Small amounts of additives sufficiently change the structure of the
parent lattice. Boron forms dilute interstitial solid solutions in the tungsten host. In the
framework of liner density functional theory, we study the ...
Energy and electron spectra after grazing- ion-surface collisions
(American Physical Society, 2002-12)
For ions that impinge grazing on solid surfaces, binary collisions with the free-electron gas are investigated by means of a modified specular-reflection (MSR) model. The proposed MSR theory is applied to the calculation ...
Control and Grid Integration of MW-Range Wind and Solar Energy Conversion Systems
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2017)
Solar-based energy generation has increased by more than ten times over the same period. In total, worldwide electrical energy consumption increased by approximately 6340 TWh from 2003 to 2013. To meet the challenges created ...
Spectroscopic study of lanthanide squarate hydrates
In the present investigation some spectroscopic properties of several lanthanide squarate hydrates are reported. The Raman spectra show the same distinctive Jahn-Teller intensity pattern for non-totally symmetric modes, ...
Spectroscopic study of lanthanide squarate hydrates
In the present investigation some spectroscopic properties of several lanthanide squarate hydrates are reported. The Raman spectra show the same distinctive Jahn-Teller intensity pattern for non-totally symmetric modes, ...