Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1494
Analise topografica de bacias de drenagem
The morphometric analysis has a long history and the authors list 26 indices. -after English summary
Analise topografica de bacias de drenagem
The morphometric analysis has a long history and the authors list 26 indices. -after English summary
Expansão dos solos hidromórficos e mudanças na paisagem: um estudo de caso na região Sudeste da Amazônia Brasileira
(Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia, 2008)
Na região sudoeste da Amazônia brasileira, foi realizado um estudo detalhado da cobertura pedológica em uma toposseqüência representativa da paisagem regional, caracterizada por baixos platôs com depressões topográficas. ...
Impact of topographic correction on soil and vegetation cover spectral characterization by TM LANDSAT 5 imagery
(Universidade Federal de Lavras (UFLA), 2016)
Métodos digitais de obtenção de limiares topográficos de processos erosivos a partir de produto de radar
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosUFSCarPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Urbana - PPGEUCâmpus São Carlos, 2020-04-29)
Among the aspects of the studies of erosive processes, there is the proposition of topographic thresholds, given by an inverse relationship between contribution area (A) and slope (S), which conditions the surface runoff ...
Testing the influence of far-field topographic forcing on subduction initiation at a passive margin
(Amsterdam, 2014-04-10)
Despite favourable gravitational instability and ridge-push, elastic and frictional forces prevent subduction initiation fromarising spontaneously at passive margins. Here,we argue that forces arising fromlarge continental ...
Latitudinal and Longitudinal Patterns of Exhumation in the Andes of North-Central Chile
(Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2018)
New thermochronometric data provide evidence for an along-strike diachronous building of the Andes in north-central Chile (28.5–32°S). Geochronological (U-Pb zircon) and thermochronological (apatite fission track and ...
Does the topographic distribution of the central Andean Puna Plateau result from climatic or geodynamic processes?
(Geological Society of America, 2009-07)
Orogenic plateaus are extensive, high-elevation areas with low internal relief that have been attributed to deep-seated and/or climate-driven surface processes. In the latter case, models predict that lateral plateau growth ...
Patterns in soil chemical weathering related to topographic gradients and vegetation structure in a high andean tropical ecosystem
Although climate exerts a major control on mineral weathering and soil formation processes, the
combined effect of vegetation and topography can influence the rate and extent of chemical weathering at the
hillslope scale. ...