Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 183
Coherent atomic oscillations and resonances between coupled Bose-Einstein condensates with time-dependent trapping potential
The atomic tunneling between two tunnel-coupled Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs) in a double-well time-dependent trap was studied. For the slowly varying trap, synchronization of oscillations of the trap with oscillations ...
Coherent atomic oscillations and resonances between coupled Bose-Einstein condensates with time-dependent trapping potential
The atomic tunneling between two tunnel-coupled Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs) in a double-well time-dependent trap was studied. For the slowly varying trap, synchronization of oscillations of the trap with oscillations ...
Coherent atomic oscillations and resonances between coupled Bose-Einstein condensates with time-dependent trapping potential
We study the quantum coherent tunneling between two Bose-Einstein condensates separated through an oscillating trap potential. The cases of slow and rapid varying in the time trap potential are considered. In the case of ...
Numerical study of the spherically symmetric Gross-Pitaevskii equation in two space dimensions
The Gross-Pitaevskii equation for Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) in two space dimensions under the action of a harmonic oscillator trap potential for bosonic atoms with attractive and repulsive interparticle interactions ...
The critical number of atoms in an attractive Bose-Einstein condensate on optical plus harmonic traps
(Iop Publishing Ltd, 2003-07-14)
The stability of an attractive Bose-Einstein condensate on a joint one-dimensional optical lattice and an axially symmetrical harmonic trap is studied using the numerical solution of the time-dependent mean-field ...
The critical number of atoms in an attractive Bose-Einstein condensate on optical plus harmonic traps
(Iop Publishing Ltd, 2003-07-14)
The stability of an attractive Bose-Einstein condensate on a joint one-dimensional optical lattice and an axially symmetrical harmonic trap is studied using the numerical solution of the time-dependent mean-field ...
Raman spectra acquisition of plasmonic-trapped particles
(Instituto Nacional de Astrofísica, Óptica y Electrónica, 2010)
Effects of traps and shallow acceptors on the steady-state photoluminescence of quantum-well wires
(Amer Inst PhysicsWoodbury, 1997)
Scaling and self-similarity for the dynamics of a particle confined to an asymmetric time-dependent potential well
The dynamics of a classical point particle confined to an asymmetric time-dependent potential well is investigated under the framework of scaling. The potential corresponds to a reduced version of a particle moving along ...