Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1019
An Empirical Application of a Random Level Shifts Model with Time-Varying Probability and Mean Reversion to the Volatility of Latin-American Forex Markets Returns
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Departamento de EconomíaPE, 2018)
Markov-Switching Models with State-Dependent Time-Varying Transition Probabilities
This paper proposes a model which allows for discrete stochastic breaks in the timevarying
transition probabilities of Markov-switching models with autoregressive dynamics.
An extensive simulation study is undertaken to ...
Survival rates of the California sea lion, Zalophus californianus, in Mexico
(Journal of Mammalogy, 2008)
California sea lions (Zalophus californianus) in the Gulf of California have declined by 20% over the past 2 decades. The lack of data on life-history parameters for this species has limited the development of demographic ...
Dissipative output feedback control for semi-Markovian jump systems under hybrid cyber-attacks
In this paper, the dissipativity-based dynamic output feedback controller (DOFC) design for Semi-Markovian jump systems under stochastic cyber-attacks is first proposed. It is assumed that the time-varying uncertainties ...
H-infinity And H-2 Control Design For Polytopic Continuous-time Markov Jump Linear Systems With Uncertain Transition Rates
H-2 And H-infinity Filter Design For Polytopic Continuous-time Markov Jump Linear Systems With Uncertain Transition Rates
Recurrence of particles in static and time varying oval billiards
(Elsevier B.V., 2012-04-16)
Dynamical properties are studied for escaping particles, injected through a hole in an oval billiard. The dynamics is considered for both static and periodically moving boundaries. For the static boundary, two different ...
Recurrence of particles in static and time varying oval billiards
(Elsevier B.V., 2012-04-16)
Dynamical properties are studied for escaping particles, injected through a hole in an oval billiard. The dynamics is considered for both static and periodically moving boundaries. For the static boundary, two different ...
Discrete-time H-infinity output feedback for Markov jump systems with uncertain transition probabilities
(Wiley-blackwellHobokenEUA, 2013)
H-2 control of discrete-time Markov jump linear systems with uncertain transition probability matrix: improved linear matrix inequality relaxations and multi-simplex modelling
(Inst Engineering Technology-ietHertfordInglaterra, 2013)