Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 13
Information on Brazilian ornamental species of the genus Tillandsia L. (Bromeliaceae)
Bromeliads that accumulate water in the central part of the plant represent a risk of creating Aedes aegypti larvae. This feature has contributed to a decrease of consumption in the internal market and poor returns to ...
Information on Brazilian ornamental species of the genus Tillandsia L. (Bromeliaceae)
Bromeliads that accumulate water in the central part of the plant represent a risk of creating Aedes aegypti larvae. This feature has contributed to a decrease of consumption in the internal market and poor returns to ...
Sucrose concentrations on in vitro growth of Tillandsia geminiflora Brongn. (Bromeliaceae) plantlets
Tillandsia geminiflora is a bromeliad with ornamental value. In Brazil this species is under the threat category of vulnerable. The slow growth and low multiplication rate lead to illegal over-collection in the wild to ...
(UNIVERSIDADE ESTADUAL DE PONTA GROSSABRBiologia EvolutivaPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Ciências BiológicasUEPG, 2017)
Sucrose Concentrations on In Vitro Growth of Tillandsia geminiflora Brongn. (Bromeliaceae) Plantlets
(Int Soc Horticultural Science, 2015-01-01)
Tillandsia geminiflora is a bromeliad with ornamental value. In Brazil this species is under the threat category of vulnerable. The slow growth and low multiplication rate lead to illegal over-collection in the wild to ...
Anatomia foliar de Tillandsia L. (Bromeliaceae) dos Campos Gerais, Paraná, Brasil
(Sociedade Botânica de São Paulo, 2005-09-01)
Foi estudada a anatomia foliar de Tillandsia crocata (E. Morren) Baker, T. gardneri Lindl., T. geminiflora Brongn., T. linearis Vell., T. lorentziana Griseb., T. mallemontii Glaziou ex Mez, T. recurvata L., T. streptocarpa ...
Anatomia foliar de Tillandsia L. (Bromeliaceae) dos Campos Gerais, Paraná, Brasil
(Sociedade Botânica de São Paulo, 2014)
Anatomia de escapos de Tillandsia L. (Bromeliaceae) dos Campos Gerais do Paraná, Brasil
(Sociedade Botânica de São Paulo, 2014)
Anatomia foliar de Tillandsia L. (Bromeliaceae) dos Campos Gerais, Paraná, Brasil
(Sociedade Botânica de São Paulo, 2005-09-01)
Foi estudada a anatomia foliar de Tillandsia crocata (E. Morren) Baker, T. gardneri Lindl., T. geminiflora Brongn., T. linearis Vell., T. lorentziana Griseb., T. mallemontii Glaziou ex Mez, T. recurvata L., T. streptocarpa ...