Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 38
Roof modular system in wood and particle board (OSB) to rural construction
(São Paulo - Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz", 2012)
Wood is a material of great applicability in construction, with advantageous properties to form various structural systems, such as walls and roof. Most of the roof structural systems follow models that have remained ...
Thermal behavior of alternative materials used as roof and efficiency of the reflective painting on the external face
(Imprenta Univ Antioquia, 2017-03-01)
This study was developed in order to compare the thermal behavior of different types of roofs by measuring the External Surface Temperature (EST) and the Internal Surface Temperature (IST) over the days. The experimental ...
Melhoramento de solo com uso de telha cerâmica moída oriunda de resíduos de construção e demolição (RCD)
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáCuritibaBrasilEngenharia CivilUTFPR, 2016-11-23)
This paper presents a study in which the addition of ground ceramic roof tile to the soil aims to improve the physical and mechanical aspects. In addition, it shows a new destination for the residues of these roof tiles, ...
Roof modular system in wood and particle board (OSB) to rural construction
(São Paulo - Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz", 2012)
Cover system for roofs manufactured with recycled polyethylene and rubber
(Trans Tech Publications, 2015-06)
The intense waste generation moved by the urban and industrial activity and the wasteful consumption of natural resources, encourage the development of new technologies for the utilization of wastes and its reuse in new ...
Study of thermal behaviour of roofing on subtropical climate: the use of radiant barrier
(Science Publishing Group, 2016)
Effect of accelerated carbonation on cementitious roofing tiles reinforced with lignocellulosic fibre
The present work evaluated the effects of accelerated carbonation on mechanical and physical characteristics of cementitious roofing tiles reinforced with vegetable fibre. The maximum load and toughness of the tiles have ...
Avaliação do efeito de agentes hidrofugantes nas características de telhas onduladas de fibrocimento sem amianto
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosUFSCarPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Ciência e Engenharia de Materiais - PPGCEMCâmpus São Carlos, 2019-07-22)
The fiber cement is a material of great applicability in the branch of the civil construction, due to its characteristics, versatility and low cost, that makes it an accessible element. Fiber cement corrugated tiles are ...
Avaliação ecotoxicológica do extrato solubilizado de telhas de fibrocimento utilizadas na construção civil
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáCuritibaBrasilGraduação em Tecnologia em Processos AmbientaisUTFPR, 2018-06-20)
The use of asbestos cement roofing roof tiles and their subsequent disposal can cause various social and environmental problems, such as air pollution, population health, soil and water contamination. In Brazil there are ...
Padrões normativos, ensaios experimentais e análise da performance acústica de telhas sanduíche
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBREngenharia CivilUFSMPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Civil, 2016-01-26)
In urban areas, where noise is significant, the facades and roofs must submit a performance capable of ensuring insulation required for the acoustic comfort of the users. The roof, although important elements of the envelope ...