Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 74
Pacific sardine behavior related to tidal current dynamics in Bahia Magdalena, Mexico
(Journal of Fish Biology, 2007)
The behaviour, distribution and abundance of the Pacific sardine Sardinops sagax, detected by acoustics, was studied in relation to the pelagic environmental conditions of water temperature, fluorescence and dissolved ...
Tidal current transport of epibenthic swarms of the euphasiid Nyctiphanes simplex in a shallows, subtropical bay on Baja California peninsula, México
(Marine Ecology Progress Series, 2006)
Nyctiphanes simplex is the most prominent neritic euphausiid along the southwest coast of the Baja California peninsula, México. It was thought that this species is usually distributed in areas deeper than 50 m. However, ...
Tidal effects on short-term mesozooplankton distribution in small channels of a temperate-turbid estuary, Southwestern Atlantic
(Universidade de Sao Paulo. Instituto Oceanográfico, 2015-07)
The short-term variability of mesozooplanktondistribution and physicochemical variables wasexamined in two different channels of the BahíaBlanca Estuary, Argentina, during two tidalcycles. All the physicochemical measurementsand ...
Hidrodinâmica e transporte de material particulado em suspensão sazonal em um estuário dominado por maré: Estuário de Caravelas (BA)
(Sociedade Brasileira de Geofísica, 2010)
O objetivo do presente estudo é caracterizar a hidrodinâmica e o transporte de material particulado em suspensão (MPS) no estuário de Caravelas sob diferentes condições de maré e vazão fluvial. Foram realizadas quatro ...
Tidal and residual currents observations at the San Matías and San José Gulfs, Northern Patagonia, Argentina
(Coastal Education & Research Foundation, 2009-07-01)
Four current time series, collected at costal locations of the San Matías and San Jose' gulfs, Argentina, are analyzed for tidal and residual currents. Tides dominate San Matías Gulf dynamics, accounting for more than 72% ...
Future sea level rise and changes on tides in the Patagonian Continental Shelf
(Coastal Education & Research Foundation, 2015-10)
We investigate the effect of the future sea level rise (SLR) on the propagation of tides in the Patagonian Shelf by means of numerical simulations. Using a barotropic implementation of the MARS model, we obtain solutions ...
Magellanic Penguins Spheniscus magellanicus commuting through San Julian Bay; do current trends induce tidal tactics?
(Wiley Blackwell Publishing, Inc, 2001-11)
The behaviour of Magellanic Penguins Spheniscus magellanicus commuting between their foraging areas and breeding areas in San Julian Bay, Argentina, was studied to examine whether tidal rip currents affected travelling ...
Characteristics of Tidal Channels in a Mesotidal Estuary of Argentina
(Coastal Education & Research Foundation, 2004-12)
Bahía Blanca Estuary is a complex network of tidal channels, extensive tidal flats, low marshes areas and islands. The lack of a large source of sediments either from river or the shelf results in that the tidal channels ...