Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1373
Determining the Level of a Language Test with English Profile: A Forensic Linguistics Case Study
This article deals with a forensic linguistics case study of the determination of the level of a B1 English multiple-choice test that was challenged in court by numerous candidates on the grounds that it was not of the ...
Determination of individual glucose threshold using pharmacy portable blood glucose meterDeterminación del umbral glucémico individual con el uso de glucómetro portátil de farmaciaDeterminação do limiar glicêmico individual com o uso de glicosímetro portátil de farmácia
Introduction: The individual glucose threshold (IGT) has been used to estimate the anaerobic threshold with low-cost analyses and shorter times. However, the reliability of the glycemic analysis using a portable pharmacy ...
The ongoing search for cochlear synaptopathy in humans: Masked thresholds for brief tones in Threshold Equalizing Noise
(Elsevier, 2020)
his study aimed to advance towards a clinical diagnostic method for detection of cochlear synaptopathy with the hypothesis that synaptopathy should be manifested in elevated masked thresholds for brief tones. This hypothesis ...
Multilevel Thresholding for Image Segmentation Using an Improved Electromagnetism Optimization Algorithm
Image segmentation is considered one of the most important tasks in image processing, which has several applications in different areas such as; industry agriculture, medicine, etc. In this paper, we develop the electromagnetic ...
Instantaneous Phase Threshold for Reflector Detection in Ultrasonic Images
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2014-07-01)
A method for reflector detection, based on the instantaneous phase of the aperture data for ultrasonic images, is proposed. The instantaneous phase (IP) image is obtained by replacing the amplitude information by the ...
Comparison between protocols for the determination of anaerobic threshold in adolescent swimmers
Aim. The purpose of this study was to compare the anaerobic threshold speed (AT) obtained from fixed lactate blood concentrations (AT 4 mM and AT 3.5 mM), lactate minimum speed (LM) and critical speed (CS), determined from ...
Comparison between protocols for the determination of anaerobic threshold in adolescent swimmers
Aim. The purpose of this study was to compare the anaerobic threshold speed (AT) obtained from fixed lactate blood concentrations (AT 4 mM and AT 3.5 mM), lactate minimum speed (LM) and critical speed (CS), determined from ...