Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 69
Structural change, balance-of-payments constraint, and economic growth: evidence from the multisectoral Thirlwall`s law
(M E SHARPE INC, 2010)
This paper contributes to the literature on balance-of-payments constrained growth by investigating how structural change identified with changes in the sectoral composition of exports and imports affects the external ...
A contribuição do estruturalismo latino-americano na Lei de Thirlwall (1979)The role of latin american structuralism in the Thirlwall's Law
(Universidade Federal de UberlândiaBrasilPrograma de Pós-graduação em Economia, 2018)
A Kaldor-Schumpeter model of cumulative growth
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisBrasilFCE - DEPARTAMENTO DE CIÊNCIAS ECONÔMICASUFMG, 2019-03-16)
Modelos de crescimento sob restrições externas: uma abordagem à la Thirlwall para o Mercosul
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosBRUFSCarPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Economia - PPGEc-So, 2012-03-12)
This dissertation aims to analyze the long-term economic growth of member countries of Mercosur, making use of the Keynesian approach to growth under external constraint. In this context, we seek to test, empirically, the ...
Thirlwall's law and the two-gap model
This paper puts forward a unified model of two of the most relevant demand-based explanations of economic growth—ThirlwalVs law and the two-gap model. Under certain specifications, it is shown that ThirlwalVs law extended ...
O crescimento econômico através da exportações: uma investigação empírica para os Brics de 1996 a 2018
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBrasilUFSMUFSM Palmeira das Missões, 2020-10-01)
This study had as main objective to evaluate if the external restriction was a limiter of the
economic growth of the countries that are part of the economic block called BRICS. Therefore,
the main theories in the literature ...
Constatación de la ley de Thirlwall en el Ecuador” periodo 1980 -2016
The present objective of this work is to demonstrate compliance of Thirlwall law in the Ecuadorian Economy, between 1980 – 2016 with Bach information collected every three months. Whit this to demonstrate that the economy ...
Crescimento econômico secular no Brasil, modelo de thirlwall e termos de troca
Explaining the Brazilian economic growth performance during the 20th is a challenging task to academics. As shown, Brazil had already experienced faster growth and recently it is far from such belle époque. Most explanation ...
Thirlwall´s law and foreing capital in Brazil
(Revista Momento Económico, 2009)