Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 29
Third conditional in English
The third conditional, also called conditional type 3 is used to
express the past consequence of an unrealistic, improbable action,
or situation in the past.
For example, if he had studied harder, he would have passed ...
The importance of evaluation as a preliminary step to the implementation of a complementary currency. A rural case study in Ecuador, the Sinincay parish
Objectives At present, both the scarcity of money and its inadequate distribution have negative consequences for its population, which, together with other causes, has promoted initiatives of complementary monetary systems ...
Avaliação de pegas e sobrecarga dos membros superiores durante o manuseio de caixas : aspectos biomecânicos e perceptuais
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosBRUFSCarPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Fisioterapia - PPGFt, 2012-06-21)
Manual material handling (MMH) is a common task in occupational environments and has been associated with musculoskeletal disorders at low back and upper limbs. Studies have shown that the correct hand/box coupling can ...
La responsabilidad objetiva del Estado colombiano por infecciones intrahospitalarias
(Universidad Santo TomásMaestría Derecho AdministrativoFacultad de Derecho, 2021-12-01)
The topic to be developed has a substantial importance in the sense that it is intended to seek options and/or mechanisms through which the Colombian state can be protected when convictions for strict liability in cases ...
Destino profissional de egressos dos Cursos de Licenciatura em Geografia da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisUFMG, 2017-08-31)
The research object of this thesis is the professional destination of graduates of the teaching education courses (day time and nocturnal) for Geography teachers of the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), formed in ...
Avaliação de processos geoquímicos e da eficiência de consórcios fúngicos em testes de simulação da biorremediação em sedimentos de manguezal contaminados com óleo
(Instituto de GeociênciasGeologiaPGGEOLOGIABrasil, 2017-02-20)
Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar os processos geoquímicos e a eficiência de consórcios fúngicos em testes de simulação da biorremediação em sedimento de manguezal contaminados por dois tipos de óleos (óleo da bacia ...
Reproducción a partir de esporas de Gigartina skottsbergii y Sarcothalia crispata (Rhodophyta) de la Patagonia argentina y aplicación farmacéutica de sus carragenanos
Las macroalgas han sido utilizadas como alimento desde tiempos ancestrales y actualmente también son usadas con diversas aplicaciones en distintas industrias. Las algas rojas Gigartinales constituyen un recurso económico ...