Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 41
Comportamento estático e dinâmico de skyrmions em nanofitas magnéticas curvadas via simulação micromagnética
(Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora (UFJF)BrasilICE – Instituto de Ciências ExatasPrograma de Pós-graduação em FísicaUFJF, 2023)
On the effectiveness factor calculation for a reaction - Diffusion process in an immobilized biocatalyst pellet
(Elsevier Science Sa, 2005-07)
This contribution deals with effectiveness factor (η) and concentration profile of key component estimations when a single independent reaction takes place in a porous catalyst structure where enzymes are immobilized. The ...
Programación y diseño de una interfaz gráfica para la modelación y evaluación de destiladores de mezcla binaria para la materia de operaciones unitarias
(Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo, 2021-09-14)
The purpose of this graduation project deals with programming and evaluating a binary distillation column as a teaching tool for the unitary operations subject matter. The procedure chosen to model a binary distillation ...
Interface didática sobre o método McCabe-Thiele para colunas de destilação no Excel/VBA
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2022-01-20)
A destilação é uma operação unitária que realiza separações no equilíbrio líquido-vapor. A mistura é alimentada no equipamento e flui através de estágios que otimizam a transferência de massa entre as fases para a obtenção ...
Thermally assisted current-driven skyrmion motion
(American Physical Society, 2014)
We study the behavior of skyrmions in thin films under the action of stochastic torques arising from thermal
fluctuations. We find that the Brownian motion of skyrmions is described by a stochastic Thiele’s equation ...
Constructors, Sufficient Completeness, and Deadlock Freedom of Rewrite Theories
(SpringerBerlín, 2010)
Sufficient completeness has been throughly studied for equational specifications, where function symbols are classified into constructors and defined symbols. But what should sufficient completeness mean for a rewrite ...
Efectos en la impedancia de entrada en un dipolo de microcinta en presencia de elementos parásitos.
(Universidad Santo Tomás. Seccional Bucaramanga, 2011-07-07)
Experiments With A Wire-mesh Sensor For Stratified And Dispersed Oil-brine Pipe Flow
(Elsevier Ltd, 2015)