Mostrando ítems 1-8 de 8
Studies on thermal-oxidative degradation behaviours of raw natural rubber: PRI and thermogravimetry analysis
Thermal-oxidative degradation behaviours of raw natural rubber (NR) have been investigated by using thermogravimetry analysis in inert and oxidative atmospheres and the plasticity retention index (PRI). The activation ...
Studies on thermal-oxidative degradation behaviours of raw natural rubber: PRI and thermogravimetry analysis
Thermal-oxidative degradation behaviours of raw natural rubber (NR) have been investigated by using thermogravimetry analysis in inert and oxidative atmospheres and the plasticity retention index (PRI). The activation ...
Fat deterioration in deep fat frying of «french fries» potatoes at restaurant and food shop sector
(Instituto de la Grasa, 1999)
The objective of this work was to know the deterioration of fats employed in deep frying of «french fries» potatoes at restaurant and food shop sector in Santiago (Chile), before the recent Chilean legislation became ...
Fluorescence spectroscopy study of conventional and organic soybean oil heated to 270°C
(IEEE, 2021-07-05)
Edible vegetable oils are highly susceptible to lipid thermo-oxidation which results in the toxic substances production, with serious nutritional consequences. This work studies the fluorescence spectroscopy potential to ...
Avaliação da cinética de degradação abiótica do polietileno de alta densidade, na presença e ausência de aditivo pró-degradante e estabilizantes
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosUFSCarPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Ciência e Engenharia de Materiais - PPGCEMCâmpus São Carlos, 2016-11-28)
The convenience of single-use packaging of high density polyethylene (HDPE) led to the need to convert them into biodegradable materials in less time to minimize the environmental problems caused by disposal. An alternative ...
Caracterização fitoquímica do óleo de soja adicionado de extrato de Portulaca oleracea L.
(Universidade Federal de Viçosa, 2018)
The main objective of the present work was to measure the total phenolic compound content and antioxidant activity of Portulaca oleracea L. extract, besides evaluating the oxidative stability and phytochemical compound ...
Nanoparticles enhanced solvent deasphalting (e-SDA) and catalytic cracking oxidation of Pitch
(Universidad Nacional de ColombiaMedellín - Minas - Maestría en Ingeniería - Ingeniería de PetróleosDepartamento de Procesos y EnergíaFacultad de MinasMedellín, ColombiaUniversidad Nacional de Colombia - Sede Medellín, 2020)
The energy landscape and the technical alternatives to supply the growing energy demand have made the oil and gas industry focus on heavy and extra-heavy oils. However, the production, transportation, and refining processes ...