Now showing items 1-10 of 801
Use of infrared thermography to evaluate the residual feed intake in water buffaloes.
(Amer Soc Animal Science, 2017-08-01)
Active thermography as non-destructive technique in the diagnosis of pathological manifestations in wood pieces
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisBrasilARQ - ESCOLA DE ARQUITETURAUFMG, 2018-11)
An acoustic thermography as an additional support to infrared thermographyTermografía acústica como apoyo complementario a la termografía infrarroja
(Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, 2011)
Low cost infrared thermography in aid of photovoltaic panels degradation research
The analysis of PV solar panels deterioration allows researchers to know the health status of a panel in order to determine the overall functioning of a PV solar farm. A part of this analysis is performed by thermography, ...
Effect of estrous cycle phase on vulvar, orbital area and muzzle surface temperatures as determined using digital infrared thermography in buffalo
The objective of this study was to evaluate variations in the orbital area, muzzle and vulva surface temperatures and progesterone (P4) concentrations during follicular and luteal phases in Murrah buffalo and whether these ...
Proportions of Hand Segments
(Sociedad Chilena de Anatomía, 2010)