Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 9206
Critical evaluation of FBD, PQ and CP J power theories for three-wire power systems
Considering unbalanced and non linear three-phase three-wire power systems, this paper discusses the relationship and discrepancies among three modern power theories. The considered approaches were the so called FBD Theory ...
A Comparative Analysis of FBD, PQ and CPT Current Decompositions Part I: Three-Phase Three-Wire Systems
(Ieee, 2009-01-01)
This paper investigates the main similarities and discrepancies among three important current decompositions proposed for the consideration of unbalanced and/or non linear three-phase three-wire power circuits. The considered ...
A comparative analysis of FBD, PQ and CPT current decompositions - Part I: three-phase three-wire systems
This paper investigates the main similarities and discrepancies among three important current decompositions proposed for the consideration of unbalanced and/or non linear three-phase three-wire power circuits. The considered ...
Neutral illusions, selective nightmares and autopoietic madness
Until now, there are three evolutionary models: I) The Synthetic Theory of Evolution (STE) also named as the Neo-Darwinian model; II) The Neutral Theory of Evolution (NTE) with its daughter the Nearly-Neutral Theory of ...
'Problem-solving' and Critical Theory Distinction: A Reflection from the International Relations
This paper attempts to determine what points of view of certain ir authors have been associated with the category 'critical', and for what reasons. Second, it seeks to show that there are not just nuanced, but substantial ...
Entanglement entropy and the large N expansion of two-dimensional Yang-Mills theory
(Springer, 2020)
Two-dimensional Yang-Mills theory is a useful model of an exactly solvable gauge theory with a string theory dual at large N. We calculate entanglement entropy in the 1/N expansion by mapping the theory to a system of N ...
On the causes of inflation: a brief introduction to the strategic theory
(Universidad de Chile. Facultad de Economía y Negocios, 1993-12)
This note is a brief introduction to the strategic theory of inflation initiated by Barro and Gordon (1983a). The discussion is organized around the question of which are the causes of inflation according to the strategic ...
Neutral illusions, selective nightmares and autopoietic madness
(Sociedad de Biología de Chile, 2010)
On Paradigms, Theories and ModelsOn Paradigms, Theories and ModelsOn Paradigms, Theories and ModelsOn Paradigms, Theories and Models
(Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas, 2009)
Developing a theory based on the causes of technical debt injection into software projects in Colombia
(Journal of Physics: Conference SeriesReino Unido, 2020-08-05)
Engineering, like sciences such as physics, seeks to ensure that the conclusions reached can be verified through experiments, and that subsequent theories allow predictions to be made in future observations. This procedure ...