Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 51768
What is a Positive Intervention? Theoretical, Empirical and Experiential Perspectives.
(Universidad de Palermo, 2009)
Three interrelated threads of inquiry -theoretical, empirical, and experiential-
are pursued to answer one fundamental question: what is a positive intervention?
Part 1 proposes a theoretical definition of the term ...
The wood for the civil engineering: A proposal of distance education
The majority of the Brazilian schools of Civil Engineering have taught the subject works with wood in the traditional only by disciplines of Metallic Structures and Wood at a topic in the content of the program on disciplines ...
Theoretical model and experimental analysis of glulam beam reinforced with FRP
This work present a study of glulam beams reinforced with FRP. It was developed a theoretical model that calculates strength and stiffness of the beams. The model allows for the calculation of the bending moment, the ...
Identification of ecologically relevant species for ecological risk assessment: a proposal from theoretical ecology
Dynamic sets of potentially interchangeable connotations: A theory of mental objects
Analogy-making is an ability with which we can abstract from surface similarities and perceive deep, meaningful similarities between different mental objects and situations. I propose that mental objects are dynamically ...