Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 2166
The Search for Global OrderWorld affairs
(Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Coordinación de Humanidades, Centro de Investigaciones sobre América del Norte, 2018)
Métodos computacionales para optimización local y global sin derivadas
En esta tesis doctoral presentamos y desarrollamos dos nuevos modelos de optimización sin derivadas. En primer lugar, proponemos un nuevo método de búsqueda de patrones para optimización local, denominado algoritmo nmps, ...
(Birkhauser Boston IncCambridge, 1992)
A global conversation: rethinking IPE in post-hegemonic scenarios
(Instituto Brasileiro de Relacoes Internacionais, 2015-12)
Benjamin Cohen has provoked us into a global conversation aimed at unwrapping the practice and study of IPE. In this article, we build upon his powerful notion of geography as politics, and engage afresh with the role of ...
Globalizing Global Governance: Peripheral Thoughts from Latin America
(Springer, 2019-04-15)
The underpinnings of global governance since the end of the Second World War have been imbued with the Western norms of order. Today, the acceptability of those norms is encountering challenges rendering parts of global ...
A global algorithm for nonlinear semidefinite programming
In this paper we propose a global algorithm for solving nonlinear semidefinite programming problems. This algorithm, inspired by the classic SQP (sequentially quadratic programming) method, modifies the S-SDP (sequentially ...
Second-order multivariate calibration with the extended bilinear model: Effect of initialization, constraints, and composition of the calibration set on the extent of rotational ambiguity
(John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2020-03-15)
Extended bilinear modeling is popular in second-order multivariate calibration, particularly when the matrix data for each sample are of chromatographic origin. Since elution time profiles vary across samples, in both shape ...
Aplicación del modelo Black-Litterman para la construcción de un portafolio de renta fija global, mediante la estructuración de un benchmark propio y estrategia de cobertura vía forwards
(Universidad EAFITMaestría en Administración FinancieraEscuela de Finanzas, Economía y Gobierno. Departamento de FinanzasMedellín, 2022)
The access to different investment assets, the search for diversification, and the application of measures as for quantification and hedging risk are relevant factors for building and managing international investment ...