Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 981
The Th/U ratio in minerals by a fission-track technique: Application to some reference samples in order to estimate the influence of Th in fission-track dating
In this work, a recent technique for the determination of the Th/U ratio in minerals and glasses was applied to relevant samples used as reference in fission-track (FT) dating. This technique, developed for estimating the ...
The Th/U ratio in minerals by a fission-track technique: application to some reference samples in order to estimate the influence of Th in fission-track dating
(Pergamon-elsevier Science LtdOxfordInglaterra, 2002)
Implications of groundwater weathered profile interactions to the mobilization of radionuclides
(Elsevier B.V., 1998-07-01)
This study reports the nature and extent of open-system interaction between groundwater and a weathered profile developed in the high grade thorium and REE ore body in Morro do Ferro, Pocos de Caldas plateau. The radioelement ...
Implications of groundwater weathered profile interactions to the mobilization of radionuclides
(Elsevier B.V., 1998-07-01)
This study reports the nature and extent of open-system interaction between groundwater and a weathered profile developed in the high grade thorium and REE ore body in Morro do Ferro, Pocos de Caldas plateau. The radioelement ...
Uranium and thorium in potash-rich rhyolites from western Bahia (Brazil)
(Chemical Geology, 1974)
The U and Th distribution in K-rich acid metavolcanics affected by postmagmatic processes
has been studied. Th (20 ppm) and U (2.41 ppm) average abundances are well within
the normal ranges for granitic rocks, but the Th/U ...
Upper crustal differentiation processes and their role in 238U-230Th disequilibria at the San Pedro-Linzor volcanic chain (Central Andes)
Upper crustal differentiation processes and their role in 238U-230Th disequilibria at the San Pedro-Linzor volcanic chain (Central Andes)
(Elsevier, 2020)
U-series data are combined with major and trace element constraints to construct a detailed view of the magmatic system feeding the San Pedro-Linzor volcanic chain, aiding the understanding of how stratovolcanoes in extremely ...
Upper crustal differentiation processes and their role in 238U-230Th disequilibria at the San Pedro-Linzor volcanic chain (Central Andes)
(Elsevier, 2020)
U-series data are combined with major and trace element constraints to construct a detailed view of the magmatic
system feeding the San Pedro-Linzor volcanic chain, aiding the understanding of how stratovolcanoes in
extremely ...