Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1392
Analysis and Classification of Natural Rock Textures based on New Transform-based Features
This work develops a mathematical method to extract relevant information about natural rock textures to address the problem of automatic classification. Classical methods of texture analysis cannot be directly applied in ...
Texture analysis and classification: a complex network-based approach
(ElsevierPhiladelphia, 2013-01)
In this paper, we propose a novel texture analysis method using the complex network theory. We investigated how a texture image can be effectively represented, characterized and analyzed in terms of a complex network. The ...
Learning how to extract rotation-invariant and scale-invariant features from texture images
(Scopus, 2008)
Learning how to extract texture features from noncontrolled environments characterized by distorted images is a still-open task. By using a new rotation-invariant and scale-invariant image descriptor based on steerable ...
Textural image classification of foams based on variographic analysis
(Elsevier, 2016)
Froths can be characterised according to several features, such as colour, bubble size distribution, velocity, mobility or texture. In the case of texture, there are some alternatives that can be used to analyse and classify ...
Combining fractal and deterministic walkers for texture analysis and classification
(Elsevier BVAmsterdam, 2013-11)
In this paper,we present a novel texture analysis method based on deterministic partially self-avoiding walks and fractal dimension theory. After finding the attractors of the image (set of pixels) using deterministic ...
Oriented texture classification based on self-organizing neural network and Hough transform
This paper presents a technique for oriented texture classification which is based on the Hough transform and Kohonen's neural network model. In this technique, oriented texture features are extracted from the Hough space ...
Texture analysis and classification using deterministic tourist walk
In this paper, we present a study on a deterministic partially self-avoiding walk (tourist walk), which provides a novel method for texture feature extraction. The method is able to explore an image on all scales simultaneously. ...
Texture descriptor based on partially self-avoiding deterministic walker on networks
Texture image analysis is an important field of investigation that has attracted the attention from computer vision community in the last decades. In this paper, a novel approach for texture image analysis is proposed by ...
Colour and image texture analysis in classification of commercial potato chips
(ELSEVIER, 2007)
The images of commercial potato chips were evaluated for various colour and textural features to characterize and classify the appearance and to model the quality preferences of a group of consumers. Features derived from ...
Fractal descriptors based on the probability dimension: a texture analysis and classification approach
(Elsevier BVAmsterdam, 2014-06)
In this work, we propose a novel technique for obtaining descriptors of gray-level texture images. The descriptors are provided by applying a multiscale transform to the fractal dimension of the image estimated through the ...