Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 4645
Evaluación Psicológica II
(Universidad de Belgrano. Programas de las Materias - Facultad de Humanidades - Carrera de Psicología, Plan 2012.)
Desarrollar una base de conocimientos sólida de las técnicas de evaluación proyectiva, su base epistemológica y la posibilidad del uso de instrumentos en los diferentes ámbitos del quehacer psicológico. ...
Sensitivity and specificity of three diabetes diagnostic criteria in people with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and otherwise healthy people: Analysis of NHANES III.
(Elsevier, 2023)
AIMS: Establishing whether fasting plasma glucose (FPG), postprandial glucose (PPG), and HbA1c have the same diagnostic accuracy in NAFLD versus otherwise healthy people could inform T2DM screening recommendations for ...
Assessment of aerobic fitness in individuals with and without nonspecific chronic low back pain: A pilot study
Aerobic fitness assessment in patients with low back pain (LBP) may help clinicians to plan how to progress the aerobic training. This was a pilot study designed to evaluate the performance of people with LBP on two different ...
Dados normativos para população brasileira de meia-idade em testes de uso frequente na clínica neuropsicológica
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisUFMG, 2018-02-19)
INTRODUCTION: Tests are essential tools in the context of neuropsychological assessment, favoring the diagnosis of neurological disorders, such as dementias. When interpreting results obtained by patients, references are ...
Obesity, sarcopenia, sarcopenic obesity and reduced mobility in Brazilian older people aged 80 years and over
(Inst Israelita Ensino & Pesquisa Albert Einstein, 2017-10-01)
Objective: To analyze which abnormalities in body composition (obesity, sarcopenia or sarcopenic obesity) are related to reduced mobility in older people aged 80 years and older. Methods: The sample included 116 subjects ...
Validation of a Psychosocial Intervention on Body Image in Older People: An Experimental Design
For most people, body satisfaction is crucial to develop both a positive self-concept and self-esteem, and therefore, it can influence mental health and well-being. This idea has been tested with younger people, but no ...
Influence of cognitive impairment on the freezing of gait in non demented people with Parkinson's disease
(Revista De Neurologia, 2018-05-01)
Introduction. Freezing of gait (FOG) is a motor disturbance usually appearing in advanced Parkinson's disease (PD). Cognitive and executive function seems to play an important role in this phenomenon. Aim. To investigate ...
Phonological and semantic verbal fluency: a comparative study in hearing-impaired and normal-hearing people
(Sociedade Brasileira de Fonoaudiologia, 2014-12-01)
PURPOSE:To compare the performance of hearing-impaired and normal-hearing people on phonologic and semantic verbal fluency tests. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted with 48 hearing-impaired adults and 42 ...
Efeito de um programa de treinamento funcional no equilíbrio estático e dinâmico de idosas
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáCuritibaBrasilBacharelado em Educação FísicaUTFPR, 2018-10-24)
The growth of the elderly population is a worldwide phenomenon, and Brazil has experienced a rapid aging process in its population, thus leading to a significant increase in the elderly. It is known that balance is a complex ...