Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 2468
D-mbtdd: An Approach For Reusing Test Artefacts In Evolving Systems
(IEEENew York, 2016)
Test case prioritization based on data reuse for Black-box environments
(Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, 2014)
Wastewater chlorination for reuse, an alternative for small communities
Reuse of wastewater is a practice that has been employed all over the world, mainly in agriculture, where the main aim is to reduce the demand for water and provide nutrients. However, these waters for reuse often have ...
An Experience on Applying Software Testing for Teaching Introductory Programming Courses
(Centro Latinoamericano de Estudios en Informática, 2012)
Reutilização de teste em linha de produtos de software baseado em máquina de estados finitos para sistemas embarcadosTest reuse in software product line based on finite state machines for embedded systems.
(Universidade Estadual de MaringáBrasilDepartamento de InformáticaPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da ComputaçãoUEMMaringá, PRCentro de Tecnologia, 2018)
Waste size and lay up sequence strategy for reusing/recycling carbon fiber fabric in laminate composite: Mechanical property analysis
Carbon fiber fabrics have been largely used in composite structures as they provide high mechanical strength and potential weigh reduction, allowing more efficiency in product design. However, the production of the parts ...
Comparison of polymers and ceramics in new and discarded electrical insulators: reuse and recycling possibilities
(Univ Fed Rio De Janeiro, Lab Hidrogenio, 2013-10-01)
The expansion and maintenance of electricity distribution networks generates large amounts of waste, much of it in the form of discarded insulators that are not reused or recycled. This paper describes the results of tests ...
A framework for the development of videogames
A framework is a high-level solution for the reuse of software pieces, a step forward in simple library-based reuse, that allows the sharing of not only common functions but also the generic logic of a domain application. ...
Disinfection of anaerobic/aerobic sanitary effluent using ozone: Formaldehyde formation
The scarcity of natural resources supports the perspective of reusing treated effluents, mainly in agriculture, where the reduction in the demand of drinking water and the provision of alternative sources for nutrients are ...