Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 5899
Protecting the mountain, stripping the peasant. Tensions by Territorial Planning in Viotá (Cundinamarca, Colombia)
This article addresses the territorial conflict between peasant communities of coffee farmers in Viotá (Cundinamarca, Colombia) and the Colombian state as a result of land management and rural territorial planning decisions. ...
Socio-environmental Conflicts, Mining Concessions and Territorial Planning in PeruConflictos socioambientales, concesiones mineras y ordenamiento territorial en el Perú
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2019)
Approach to a Typology of Territories in Conflict: The Case of East Caldas, Colombia
This article is based on the research process entitled Conflict as a factor of territorial transformation in the East of Caldas: a contribution to strengthening the bonds of cooperation and institutional trust, executed ...
Socio-Territorial Conflicts in Chile: Configuration and Politicization (2005-2014)
Within a context of intensifying socio-territorial conflicts in several countries, this paper analyses a database of 101 conflicts occurring in Chile between 2005 and 2014. These conflicts emerged from specific territorial ...
Neo-extractivism in Latin America: Socio-environmental conflicts, the territorial turn, and new political narratives
(Cambridge University Press, 2019)
This Element analyses the political dynamics of neo-extractivism in Latin America. It discusses the critical concepts of neo-extractivism and the commodity consensus and the various phases of socio-environmental conflict, ...
Why Environmental Conflicts Can Be Productive: The Conflict Over the Environmental Restoration of the Matanza-Riachuelo River Basin in Buenos Aires
(Il Mulino, 2020-03)
The purpose of this paper is exposing our approach for the study of environmental conflict and show illustrations from our research work on the conflict over the environmental restoration of the Matanza-Riachuelo River ...
Potential for aquaculture in pre-andean areas of the La Araucania region: conflicts of use with tourism activity
El conflicto en torno al descanso dominical en la ciudad de Rosario : una reivindicación laboral y una disputa territorialThe dispute over the Sunday rest in the city of Rosario : a labour claim and a territorial conflict
(Universidad Nacional de Misiones. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales. Secretaría de Investigación y Posgrado, 2019-07-01)
El objetivo de estas páginas es realizar una lectura del conflicto en torno al descanso dominical en la ciudad de Rosario durante el período 2013- 2017 desde dos perspectivas: en primer lugar como expresión de una disputa ...