Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 77
Module categories over equivariantized tensor categories
(Independent Univ Moscow, 2017-03)
For a finite tensor category C and a Hopf monad T : C --> C satisfying certain conditions we describe exact indecomposable left C^T-module categories in terms of left C-module categories and some extra data. We also give ...
Equivalence classes of exact module categories over graded tensor categories
(Taylor & Francis, 2020-10-04)
We describe equivalence classes of indecomposable exact module categories over a finite graded tensor category. When applied to a pointed fusion category, our results coincide with the ones obtained in [11].
(Co)ends for representations of tensor categories
(Mount Allison University, 2021-08)
We generalize the notion of ends and coends in category theory to the realm of module categories over finite tensor categories. We call this new concept module (co)end. This tool allows us to give different proofs to several ...
Pointed finite tensor categories over abelian groups
(World Scientific, 2017-10)
We give a characterization of finite pointed tensor categories obtained as de-equivariantizations of the category of corepresentations of finite-dimensional pointed Hopf algebras with abelian group of group-like elements ...
De-Equivariantization of Hopf Algebras
(Springer, 2014-02)
We study the de-equivariantization of a Hopf algebra by an affine group scheme and we apply Tannakian techniques in order to realize it as the tensor category of comodules over a coquasi-bialgebra. As an application we ...
The Brauer-Picard group of the representation category of finite supergroup algebras
We develop further the techniques presented in a previous article (M. Mombelli. Abh. Math. Semin. Univ. Hamb. 82 (2012), 173–192), to study bimodule categories over the representation categories of arbitrary finite-dimensional ...
Crossed extensions of the corepresentation category of finite supergroup algebras
We present explicit examples of finite tensor categories that are C2-graded extensions of the corepresentation category of certain finite-dimensional non-semisimple Hopf algebras
Invertible bimodule categories over the representation category of a Hopf algebra
For any finite-dimensional Hopf algebra H we construct a group homomorphism
BiGal (H) → BrPic(Rep(H)), from the group of equivalence classes of H-biGalois
objects to the group of equivalence classes of invertible exact ...
The Brauer-Picard group of the representation category of finite supergroup algebras
(Unión Matemática Argentina, 2014-02)
We develop further the techniques presented in a previous article (M. Mombelli. Abh. Math. Semin. Univ. Hamb. 82 (2012), 173–192), to study bimodule categories over the representation categories of arbitrary finite-dimensional ...
Group actions on 2-categories
(Springer, 2019-05)
We study actions of discrete groups on 2-categories. The motivating examples are actions on the 2-category of representations of finite tensor categories and their relation with the extension theory of tensor categories ...