Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 39
Guideline of the Brazilian Society of Cardiology on Telemedicine in Cardiology – 2019
(Society of Cardiology on Telemedicine in Cardiology, 2019)
Soft skills in cardiology telemedicine consultations
(Ediciones Doyma, S.L., 2021-01-01)
Soft skills
Telemedicine: its importance in cardiology practice. Experience in Chile
(Compuscript, 2017)
There is a growing need worldwide to take medical care to distant locations far from the main urban centers, particularly to rural areas. Furthermore, there is the ethical imperative to provide equal access to medical care ...
Guideline of the Brazilian Society of Cardiology on Telemedicine in Cardiology – 2019
(Society of Cardiology on Telemedicine in Cardiology, 2023)
Open source cardiology electronic health record development for DIGICARDIAC implementation
(SPIE, 2015-11-17)
This article presents the development of a Cardiology Electronic Health Record (CEHR) system. Software consists of a structured algorithm designed under Health Level-7 (HL7) international standards. Novelty of the system ...
Integrated Regional Networks for ST-Segment–Elevation Myocardial Infarction Care in Developing Countries
Background—Regionalized integrated networks for ST-segment–elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) care have been proposed as a step forward in overcoming real-world obstacles, but data are lacking on its performance in ...
Security analysis for medical information management in telemedicineAnálisis de seguridad para el manejo de la información médica en telemedicina
(Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, 2011)
Security analysis for medical information management in telemedicineAnálisis de seguridad para el manejo de la información médica en telemedicina
(Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, 2011)