Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 417
Determination of the whitening effect of toothpastes on human teeth
(Facultad de Odontología. Universidad de Costa Rica, 2022)
Modified technique for vital teeth whitening using DMC 35% hydrogen peroxide [Técnica modificada de blanqueamiento de dientes vitales empleando DMC peróxido de hidrógeno al 35%]
(Universidad de Ciencias Medicas de La Hab, 2019)
Whitening efficacy of whitening mouth rinses used alone or in conjunction with carbamide peroxide home whitening
Objectives: The aim of this study was to compare the effectiveness of whitening mouth rinses on teeth previously whitened or not, exposed to food dyes. Methods and Materials: One hundred twenty enamel-dentin specimens, 3 ...
Clinical performance of whitening on devitalized teeth: A retrospective observational studyDesempenho clínico do clareamento em dentes desvitalizados: Estudo observacional retrospectivo
Objective: This retrospective observational study evaluated the clinical performance of intracoronal whitening and correlated the main factors that interfere with its stability and patient satisfaction. Material and Methods: ...
Effects of whitening dentifrices on the enamel color, surface roughness, and morphology
(Facultad de Odontología. Universidad de Costa Rica, 2023)
Influence of bioactive materials used on the dentin surface whitened with carbamide peroxide 16%
(ABM, ABC, ABPol, 2010)
This study investigated the influence of bioactive materials on the dentin surface whitened. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Three bovine teeth were shaped into three dentin wafers. Each wafer was then sectioned, into six dentin ...
Significative whitening action of five whitening toothpastesEfecto blanqueador significativo de cinco pastas dentales blanqueadoras
(Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Facultad de Odontología, 2009)
Breaking the rules: tooth whitening by means of a reducing agent
(Springer Heidelberg, 2020-08)
Objectives: It is widely accepted that current tooth whitening treatment effect is based on the oxidizing action of peroxides, even if the mechanism of action remains still unclear. Treatments are claimed to be safe, but ...
Effect of over-the-counter whitening products associated or not with 10% carbamide peroxide on color change and microhardness: In vitro study
Aim: The purpose of this in vitro study was to evaluate the color and microhardness of teeth subjected to different overthe- counter (OTC) whitening products in association or not with 10% carbamide peroxide (10% CP). ...
Endogenous and exogenous teeth whitening through gel-based bleaching hydrogen peroxide (35%) with the aid of silicon guide
The aim of this study is to demonstrate through a case report, a proposed treatment for discolored teeth, with and without pulp vitality, by the technique of external and internal tooth bleaching with hydrogen peroxide to ...