Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 168
Technological Frontiers and Foreign Relations
(Keatley, Anne G., 1985)
THE INTERPLAY of science, technology, and foreign relations is a
primary issue of our times. Foreign policy questions with major
technological components now rank with territorial and ideological
concerns in international ...
The visualization of cattle movement data in the state of Pará in 2016 through networks of animal transit graphs and guides
Animal movement is inherent in the marketing between the rural productive units, establishing space-time connections between them. The relational nature of such information is kept in the Animal Transit Guides (GTA), a ...
Did the Green Revolution concentrate incomes?: a quantitative study of research reports
(Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas, División de Economía, 2019)
Desenvolvimento de sistema eletrônico para pulverização e atração de gotas em plantas cítricasDevelopment of an electronic device for attraction drops of the electrostatic spraying in citric plants
(Universidade Federal de ViçosaBRConstruções rurais e ambiência; Energia na agricultura; Mecanização agrícola; Processamento de produMestrado em Engenharia AgrícolaUFV, 2015)
Advances in the production and formulation of microbial inoculants for a more sustainable
(Soc Brasileira Quimica, 2022-06-01)
AGRICULTURE. The wide application of beneficial microorganisms in agriculture as inoculants to combat pests and diseases and/or to improve soil fertility and the nutrients availability for plants has been considered as an ...
Genomic and Functional Characterization of a Novel Burkholderia sp. Strain AU4i from Pea Rhizosphere Conferring Plant Growth Promoting Activities
(OMICS International, 2015-09)
Members of Burkholderia genus are gaining importance for their application in crop improvement by acting as plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR), however, our knowledge about mechanisms of their plant growth promotion ...
“Modeling of Plant Responses to the Environment Through Gene Regulatory Networks Inference”
The huge data sets in biology, mainly due to the exponential development of
high-throughput technologies and the growing computational power, represent a
big challenge, usually not related with the acquisition of the ...
Níveis tecnológicos dos agroecossistemas do milho no estado de Sergipe
(Universidade Federal de SergipePós-Graduação em Desenvolvimento e Meio AmbienteBRUFS, 2017)
Abordagem evolucionária da dinâmica do setor agrícolaEvolutionary approach of the agricultural sector dynamics
(Universidade Federal de Viçosa, 2016)
An operational nowcasting system for Espírito Santo, Brazil
(National Oceanic and Atmospheric AdministrationWashington, 2014)
An operational Nowcasting System for Espírito Santo State (NESS), Brazil, is described with special emphasis to Civil Defense (CD), Agriculture and Harbour applications which are heavily depended on present and future ...