Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 705
Detecting and sorting the paradoxes associated with smartphone use by Brazilian professionals
(Americas Conference on Information Systems, 2015)
The use of mobile wireless technologies brings associated paradoxes already identified in the literature. Thus, this research uses quantitative analysis to determine the perception of presence and intensity level of fourteen ...
Executives and smartphones: an ambiguous relationship
Purpose: This paper aims to investigate whether the technological paradoxes identified and prevalent in a series of technologies are also identified in the relationship between executives and smartphones, as well as which ...
Paradoxes perception and smartphone use by Brazilian executives: Is this genderless?
(Elsevier Ltd, 2015)
This study aims to identify the influence of gender in the perception of paradoxes accrued from smartphone use by Brazilian executives. From the extant scientific literature, this work identified fourteen technological ...
Executives and smartphones: friend or foe?
This article seeks to identify the existence of ambiguities in the day-to-day use of smartphones by Brazilian executives. In this manner, fourteen technological paradoxes were identified from the theoretical reference base ...
Smartphones e profissionais: amigos e inimigos
The use of Information Technologies Mobile and Wireless (TIMS) artifacts brings up a number of associated technological paradoxes, already identified in the literature. The increase in use of TIMS and its evolutions ...
Executivos e smartphones: uma relação ambígua e paradoxal
(Escola de Administração da Universidade Federal da Bahia, 2013-12-01)
Based on theoretical approaches concerning the existence of paradoxes associated with the use of technological appliances, this article seeks to identify the existence of ambiguities in the day-to-day use of smartphones ...
Paradoxes of photography in the new media ecosystem: Technological innovation?
(Univ Complutense Madrid, Servicio Publicaciones, 2017-01-01)
Estudo do self estendido e a relação com os paradoxos tecnológicos na posse de smartphones
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBrasilAdministraçãoUFSMPrograma de Pós-Graduação em AdministraçãoCentro de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, 2018-08-29)
Through the study of Belk (1988), about the extended self, it is noted that consumers can find in their possessions an extension of your identity. The focus of this research was the possession of smartphone. The overall ...
Em que fase estamos? Crescimento econômico brasileiro com inteligência Artificial
(Universidade Federal de São Paulo, 2021-02-26)
A presente monografia visa percorrer de forma sucinta o amplo terreno que se constitui o estudo da influência de uma General Purpose Technology – Inteligência Artificial – no crescimento econômico brasileiro. É percebido ...
Executivos, gênero e smartphones: uma exploração quanto aos paradoxos tecnológicos e às copying strategies
Argumentando-se que as Tecnologias da Informação Móveis e Sem Fio (TIMS) vêm ocupando um espaço, cada vez maior, na vida dos indivíduos, e que, em função desta proximidade, novas formas de interação aparecem, este trabalho ...