Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 9838
Rhetoric and reality of school improvement in Chile. A multiple case study of school improvement policy and external technical support programmes for municipal primary schoolsRhetoric and reality of school improvement in Chile. A multiple case study of school improvement policy and external technical support programmes for municipal primary schools
Currently we are witnessing the expansion of performance-based reforms in education around the world, based on a global education reform agenda. In Chile, the policy framework for school improvement has changed because of ...
The school evasion in the amazon context: A case from a technical courseAnálise da evasão escolar no contexto amazônico: O caso de um curso técnico
School dropout is a worrisome phenomenon at Brazilian public education, whose causes comprise different aspects. The present study analyzed the school dropout from a technical course in North of Brazil in order to minimize ...
Relationship between external technical assistance and vulnerable schools in Chile: How it influences the process of improvement and changeRelatiónship between external technical assistance and vulnerable schools in Chile: how it influences the process of improvement and change
Thanks to the recent changes in the Chilean regulations for education, external technical assistance (ATE) has evolved from previous government programmes to become an important element in the policy for school improvement. ...
Preparing educators in TVET for building human capacity in the Caribbean [PowerPoint presentation]
Human capacity development has been compromised in the Caribbean because of lack of proper preparation of educators for technical and vocational education and training (TVET). Many have argued that the preparation of skilled ...
Implementation Issues of CVQs in a Secondary School in South Trinidad: A Case Study
This study sought to identify the issues hindering the successful implementation of the Caribbean Vocational Qualification (CVQ) curriculum at a secondary school in Trinidad and Tobago. Data were collected from 55 school ...
Perceptions of school health: A study of selected primary schools in the St. George East Education District of Trinidad and Tobago
(School of Education, UWI, St. Augustine, 2008)
This study investigated teachers' perceptions of school health in 18 primary government and government-assisted schools in the St. George East Education District of Trinidad and Tobago. School health issues have emerged ...