Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 117
Arthrographic Study of the Communication between the Tarsal Joints in Crioulo Horses
(Georg Thieme Verlag Kg, 2019-07-01)
Objective The aim of the present study is to assess an arthrographic technique based on the access to the equine tarsus via distal intertarsal and on the existence and frequency of communication between distal and tarsocrural ...
Arthrodesis tarsocrural or tarsometatarsal in 2 dogs using circular external skeletal fixator
An external fixation technique, using a circular fixator, to obtain arthrodesis was evaluated in 2 dogs with infected open lesions and soft tissue damage. In both cases, articular cartilage was curetted, and devitalized ...
Arthrodesis tarsocrural or tarsometatarsal in 2 dogs using circular external skeletal fixator
An external fixation technique, using a circular fixator, to obtain arthrodesis was evaluated in 2 dogs with infected open lesions and soft tissue damage. In both cases, articular cartilage was curetted, and devitalized ...
Kinematic analysis in healthy and hip-dysplastic German Shepherd dogs
This study investigated kinematic patterns in clinically normal German Shepherd dogs (GSDs) compared to those with hip dysplasia and with no clinical signs of lameness. Two groups of GSDs, including 10 clinically healthy ...
Kinematic analysis in healthy and hip-dysplastic German Shepherd dogs
This study investigated kinematic patterns in clinically normal German Shepherd dogs (GSDs) compared to those with hip dysplasia and with no clinical signs of lameness. Two groups of GSDs, including 10 clinically healthy ...
The tarsal-metatarsal complex of caviomorph rodents: Anatomy and functional-adaptive analysis
(Wiley-liss, Div John Wiley & Sons Inc, 2017-06)
Caviomorph rodents represent a major adaptive radiation of Neotropical mammals. They occupy a variety of ecological niches, which is also reflected in their wide array of locomotor behaviors. It is expected that this ...
Treatment of tarsal joint deformities with hinged transarticular external fixators in three young birds
(Salt Lake, 2010)
Pelvic limb deformities are common in many avian species. Three young birds, including a six-week-old Cockatoo and two three-month-old goslings, were presented with tarsal joint deformities. They were treated with an ...
Estudo artrográfico sobre a comunicação entre as articulações társicas em cavalos da raça crioulaArthrographic study on communication between tarsal joints in Creole horses
(Universidade Federal do PampaCampus Uruguaiana, 2016)
Cotylar fossa, its interpretation and functionality: The case from south american native ungulatesLa fosa cotilar, su interpretación y funcionalidad: El caso de los ungulatos nativos sudamericanos
(Asociación Paleontológica Argentina, 2020-09)
La fosa cotilar es una característica de la faceta maleolar medial del astrágalo. Revela una relación compleja entre el astrágalo y la tibia en la articulación tarsal superior donde el astragálo debe acomodarse a un maléolo ...