Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 20
Implementation of elastomeric seismic isolation in tall buildings considering axial-lateral coupling in the isolators
(National Information Centre of Earthquake Engineering, 2017)
Seismic isolation of high-rise buildings presents an opportunity but also a challenge to seismic isolation, a technique mostly used in the past in low and moderate-rise buildings. It turns out that under certain conditions ...
Assessment of the seismic capacity of tall wall buildings using nonlinear finite element modeling.
Two existing RC shear wall buildings of 17 and 26 stories were analyzed using fully nonlinear finite element models, i.e., models that include nonlinear material behavior and geometric nonlinearities. The buildings are ...
Estudo dos efeitos do escoamento atmosférico sobre edifícios altos mediante uso de dinâmica dos fluidos computacional
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáCuritibaBrasilBacharelado em Engenharia CivilUTFPR, 2019-12-12)
This work presents a computational fluid dynamics study to evaluate the neighboring effects on tall buildings. To evaluate such effects, it was used the RANS approach to solve the CFD equations, modelling the turbulence ...
Base shear determination using response-spectrum modal analysis of multi-degree-of-freedom systems with soil–structure interaction
(Springer NetherlandsUniversidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica, 2019-01-01)
Building codes and design guidelines, e.g. FEMA (NEHRP recommended seismic provisions for new buildings and other structures, FEMA P-1050, Washington, 2015) and ASCE (Minimum design loads for buildings and other structures ...
Influência da alvenaria no comportamento estrutural de edifícios altos de concreto armado
(Universidade Católica de Pernambuco, 2007-08-17)
The work presents results from numerical analyses performed in a 32-storey reinforced concrete building in Recife. Numerical finite element analyses were performed taking into account the modeling of reinforced concrete ...
Influência da alvenaria no comportamento estrutural de edifícios altos de concreto armado
(Universidade Católica de Pernambuco, 2007-08-17)
The work presents results from numerical analyses performed in a 32-storey reinforced concrete building in Recife. Numerical finite element analyses were performed taking into account the modeling of reinforced concrete ...
Análisis del comportamiento estructural y viabilidad económica del aislamiento sísmico de base en dos edificios de concreto reforzado ubicados en zona de actividad sísmica alta en Colombia. Estudios de caso: Clínica “Villa Clemencia” y edificio residencial “Venetto”
(Manizales - Ingeniería y Arquitectura - Maestría en Ingeniería - EstructurasDepartamento de Ingeniería CivilUniversidad Nacional de Colombia - Sede Manizales, 2020)
Actually, more than 23.000 structures, located in 30 diferent countries, have been protected by passive control systems, mainly using seismic isolation and energy dissipation systems (Martelli, Clemente, De Stefano, Forni ...