Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 341
Detecting sporting talents with-Z-Strategy- Cross sectional study
Introduction: Due to the relationship between early identification of physical and anthropometric characteristics above the population mean in children and adolescents, and success in sports, detecting potential sports ...
Detecting sporting talents with z-strategy-cross sectional study
(Redprint Editora Ltda, 2020-03)
Introduction: Due to the relationship between early identification of physical and anthropometric characteristics above the population mean in children and adolescents, and success in sports, detecting potential sports ...
¿Cómo podría los profesionales de enfermería desde la perspectiva inter y transdiciplinaria, intervenir con las familias en el escenario del conflicto armado actual del país?
(Universidad de los Llanos, 2020-06-30)
La perspectiva generativa en el campo de la familia se observa como una construcción del dialogo con los participantes, donde se activan diferentes redes y sistemas, logrando una conexión de coevolución y autorreferencia ...
Impact in the school system of a strategy for identifying and selecting academically talented students: the experience of Program PENTA-UC
The study explores the consequences, for participating schools, of the implementation of a system for the identification and selection of academically talented students, in the context of an extracurricular enrichment ...
Multidimensional analyses to detect sport Talent Athletes with down syndrome
(Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería, 2019)
Multidimensional analyses to detect sport Talent Athletes with down syndrome
(Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería, 2019)
Determinantes de desempenho para identificação e desenvolvimento de talentos no triatlo olímpico abrangendo uma perspectiva de treinadores brasileiros
(Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora (UFJF)BrasilFaculdade de Educação FísicaPrograma de Pós-graduação em Educação FísicaUFJF, 2022)
Talent detection in taekwondo: which factors are associated with the longitudinal competitive success?
(Int Scientific Literature, Inc, 2014-11-30)
Background Several morphological and functional characteristics are associated with the performance of taekwondo (TKD) adult athletes. However, we did not find any longitudinal study associating these features to the future ...
Talent detection in taekwondo: Which factors are associated with the longitudinal competitive success?
Background & Study Aim: Several morphological and functional characteristics are associated with the performance of taekwondo (TKD) adult athletes. However, we did not find any longitudinal study associating these features ...