Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 723
Relevant factors for tacit knowledge transfer within organisations
(Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 2010)
Purpose - This paper aims to identify the pertinent factors for tacit knowledge transfer within a major state-owned Brazilian oil company - Petrobras. Design/methodology/approach - The research analyses the literature ...
Engaging environments: Tacit knowledge sharing on the shop floor
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to identify factors that facilitate tacit knowledge sharing in unstructured work environments, such as those found in automated production lines. Design/methodology/approach: The study ...
Engaging environments: Tacit knowledge sharing on the shop floor
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to identify factors that facilitate tacit knowledge sharing in unstructured work environments, such as those found in automated production lines. Design/methodology/approach: The study ...
The reflective practice as a tool for making tacit knowledge explicit
Reflective practice is an essential professional development tool that allows teachers to provide meaning to experiences teaching practice. Reflecting on teaching is also an opportunity to identify relevant situations for ...
Macroprocess 01 Knowledge Management
(Carlos Figueroa Picado, 2022-02-22)
Macroprocess 1 Knowledge Management aims to “Guarantee the continuous collaborative creation, effective coordination and shared use of knowledge in matters related to agricultural development and rural well-being at the ...
Sinergía e Innovación Local
Fatores relevantes de sucesso à transferência do conhecimento tácito: evidências empírico-exploratórias em uma empresa petrolífera brasileira
O conhecimento tem sido estudado há bastante tempo dentro da administração. Entretanto, a partir da década de 1990, com as mudanças nos fundamentos das economias industriais dos recursos naturais para os ativos intelectuais, ...
Knowledge-based integrated Production Management Model applied to automotive companies
This paper aims to examine the relevance of a production management model, in the shop-floor operations environment, that integrates the dimensions of production organisation (lean and mass production), work organisation ...
Manufacturing Tacit Knowledge Classification -Edición Única
(Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, 2010-05-01)
Knowledge is considered one of the main possessions a company have. Companies
need to better identify, obtain, store and reuse knowledge. A Manufacturing Tacit
Knowledge Classification is proposed divided in two main ...