Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 286
Determination of cadmium and lead in table salt by sequential multi-element flame atomic absorption spectrometry
(Elsevier, 2005-02-28)
In the present paper, a simultaneous pre-concentration procedure for the sequential determination of cadmium and lead in table salt samples using flame atomic absorption spectrometry is proposed. This method is based on ...
(Int Soc Fluoride Research, 2021-01-01)
Purpose: To determine the fluoride (F) concentrations in table salts sold in Bogota, Colombia, as well as to verify whether the values were consistent with the information provided by the manufacturers and with the standards ...
Avaliação de ICP OES com configuração axial ou radial para determinação de iodo em sal de cozinhaEvaluation of ICP OES with axial or radial views for determination of iodine in table salt
(Sociedade Brasileira de Química, 2012)
The performance of inductively-coupled plasma optical emission spectrometers with axial and radial views for determination of iodine in table salt was evaluated. Interference and memory effects in nitric acid and water-soluble ...
The effects of tree establishment on water and salts dynamics in naturally salt-affected grasslands
(Springer, 2007-03)
Plants, by influencing water fluxes across the ecosystem–vadose zone–aquifer continuum, can leave an imprint on salt accumulation and distribution patterns. We explored how the conversion of native grasslands to oak ...
Influence of lowland forests on subsurface salt accumulation in shallow groundwater areas
(Oxford University Press, 2014-09)
In flat sedimentary plains in areas with a sub-humid climate, tree planting on grasslands and arable lands creates strong hydrological shifts. As a result of deep rooting and high water uptake of trees, groundwater levels ...
Comparação físico-química e inorgânica do sal comum de mesa com o sal rosa do Himalaia
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáCampo MouraoBrasilDepartamento Acadêmico de AlimentosTecnologia em AlimentosUTFPR, 2018-11-22)
The Himalayan rose salt is a product that is gaining prominence these days due to its supposed health benefits and possible advantages over common table salt. Although there are not many studies that prove the premise, the ...
Salt/Sodium Intake Estimation in children and adolescents of Costa Rica
The objectives of this study were to estimate sodium intake and to identify
the main dietary sources of this nutrient in young people. Cross-sectional
study performed in 2685 students from 64 schools and high-schools of ...