Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 153
Fertilizacion fosfatada prolongada y contenido de elementos traza en un argiudol tipico de La Pampa onduladaLong term phosphate fertilization and trace element contents in a typic argiudoll of the rolling pampas
(Asociación Argentina de la Ciencia del Suelo, 2002-12)
Several investigations have shown that the accumulation of trace elements (TE) in soils ca be accredited to phosphorus fertilization. Our objective was to evaluate the total and bioavailable content of TE on a Typic Argiudoll ...
Calcium biominerals in typical Argiudolls from the Pampean Plain, Argentina. An approach to the understanding of their role within the calcium biogeochemical cycle
(Elsevier, 2009-01)
The aims of this work are: (a) to describe the presence of calcium oxalate crystals from fungus and vegetal origin; (b) to determine the contribution from leaves; and (c) to assess the role they could play within the calcium ...
Contents and main fractions of trace elements in Typic Argiudolls of the Argentinean Pampas
(Taylor & Francis, 2000-12)
The knowledge of the trace elements in soils of the Pampas remains fragmentary. Agriculture has been intensified in this region increasing the crop demand of micronutrients and increasing the use of fertilizers, which could ...
Endosulfan leaching from Typic Argiudolls in soybean tillage areas and groundwater pollution implications
(Elsevier Science, 2014-05)
Endosulfan has been recently added to Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) list and due to its extensive and massive use and environmental persistence constitutes a potential hazard to groundwater resources. Undisturbed ...
A new soil-landscape approach to the genesis and distribution of typic and vertic Argiudolls in the Rolling Pampa of Argentina
The Rolling Pampa is one of the several subregions of the large Pampa plains in central Argentina. The most extensive and representative soils in the area are Typic Argiudolls, together with a smaller proportion of Vertic ...
Dynamics of humic fractions and microbial activity under no-tillage or reduced tillage, as compared with native pasture (Pampa Argentina)
(Springer, 2003-11-05)
Humic fractions, arginine ammonification and soil respiration were monitored in spring, summer and autumn 1999 in natural pasture soil and in no-tillage or reduced-tillage soil under maize. The Typic Argiudoll soils, typical ...
Changes in the porosity induced by tillage in typical Argiudolls of southeastern Buenos Aires Province, Argentina, and its relationship with the living space of the mesofauna: a preliminary study
(Springer Verlag Berlín, 2018-02-13)
The study of structure is essential to understand the effects of natural and anthropogenic degradation of the environment. Continuous tillage has negative effects on soil structure. The structural heterogeneity of the soil ...