Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1569
Rickettsial infections: A blind spot in our view of neglected tropical diseases
Rickettsial diseases are a group of vector-borne bacterial infections that cause acute febrile illness with potentially severe or fatal complications. These vector-borne diseases are prevalent in tropical and subtropical ...
Malignant Syphilis in a Human Immunodeficient Virus-Infected Patient
(American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 2017)
Herein, we describe a 25-year-old man who presented a rare widespread form of secondary syphilis characterized by fever and disseminated ulcerative crusted lesions of 1 month duration and in whom malignant syphilis was ...
Contribuição para o estudo das "Ceratopogoninas" hematofagas encontradas no Brazil: primeira memoria: parte geralBeitrage zur Kenntnis der blutsaugenden Cerropogoninen Brasiliens: Erste Mitteilung: Allgemeiner Teil
(Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Instituto Oswaldo Cruz., 2021)
Las publicaciones de investigación biomédica en la Revista de Biología Tropical
(Universidad de Costa Rica, 2002)
Ascomycetous Yeasts Associated with Naturally Occurring Fruits in a Tropical Rain Forest
Fruits from twenty different species of angiosperms were collected during the period from November, 1991 to January, 1992. Two hundred and two strains of yeasts and yeast-like fungi were isolated, of which 74 % showed ...
Road kills in tropical ecosystems: a review with recommendations for mitigation and for new research
(Universidad de Costa Rica, 2018)
Contribuição para o estudo dos parazitas intraglobulares das lacértidas Plasmodium diplglossi n. sp. Plasmodium tropiduri n. sp.A contribution to the study of the intraglobular parasites of the lizards. Two new species to the study of the intraglobular parasites of the lizards
(Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Instituto Oswaldo Cruz., 2021)
Quality of raw milk in the highland tropics of Narino, Colombia
(Univ Costa Rica, 2020-09-01)
Introduction. The production and commercialization of raw milk in Narino, Colombia, follows microbiological and compositional standards on which payment for quality is made. However, quality can be affected during its ...