Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 195
Perceptions of Trees Outside Forests in Cattle Pastures: Land Sharing Within the Central Volcanic Talamanca Biological Corridor, Costa Rica
(Springer Link, 2017)
Trees outside forests can play an important role in production and conservation and increase connectivity within agricultural landscapes. However, farmers’ perceptions of the trees and the values they place on them will ...
Variation of Eugenia uniflora L. fruit quality attributes in the south of the Argentine Gran Chaco
(Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2020-04)
Pitanga (Eugenia uniflora L.) is an under-utilized berry in Argentina characterized by high bioactive compound content, sweet flavour, and high antioxidant capacity. The variation of fruit quality attributes of pitanga, ...
Effects of management and landscape composition on the diversity and structure of tree species assemblages in coffee agroforests
Understanding the processes that influence tree species composition in agricultural landscapes is essential for conservation of tropical biodiversity outside of protected areas. We analyzed the effects of landscape composition ...
Effects of vegetation and herbivores on regeneration of two tree species in a seasonally dry forest
(Academic Press Ltd - Elsevier Science Ltd, 2015-10)
Tree establishment in harsh environments such as seasonally dry forests has traditionally been described as facilitated by existing shrubs and trees, which ameliorate harsh abiotic conditions; however, an alternative ...
Plant traits and litter decomposition of tree species naturally regenerating in Central America pasturelands
(CATIE, Turrialba (Costa Rica), 2013)
This research uses three consecutive approaches to evaluate the links among morphological diversity and ecosystem processes of 65 tree species commonly found in Central American active pasturelands (AP) under conventional ...
Alternative pathways of liana communities in the forests of northwestern Argentina
(Wiley Blackwell Publishing, Inc, 2020-05-17)
Liana dynamics in secondary and mature forests are well known in tropical areas dominated by native tree species. Outside the tropics and in secondary forests invaded by exotic species, knowledge is scarce. In this study, ...
Factores que influyen en la dinámica de la cobertura arbórea en fincas agrícolas familiares en Costa Rica
(Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica; Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica; Universidad Estatal a Distancia, 2017)
Trees within our outside forests contribute to the survival of a large proportion of society, in particular in rural areas and for poor people, through the provision of ecosystem services. Society, however, is increasingly ...
Staying close: short local dispersal distances on a managed forest of two Patagonian Nothofagus species
(Oxford University Press, 2020-05)
Understanding the impact of management on the dispersal potential of forest tree species is pivotal in the context of global change, given the implications of gene flow on species evolution. We aimed to determine the effect ...
Pine invasion impacts on plant diversity in Patagonia: invader size and invaded habitat matter
(Springer, 2016-12)
Conifers, which are widely planted as fast growing tree crops, are invading forested and treeless environments across the globe, causing importantchanges in biodiversity. However, how small-scale impacts on plant diversity ...