Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 126
Charged amino acid motifs flanking each extreme of the αM4 transmembrane domain are involved in assembly and cell-surface targeting of the muscle nicotinic acetylcholine receptor
(Wiley-liss, Div John Wiley & Sons Inc, 2007-02-27)
The αM4 transmembrane domain of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (AChR) is flanked by two basic amino acids (His408 and Arg429) located at its cytoplasmic‐ and extracellular‐facing extremes, respectively, at the level ...
The single transmembrane segment of minimal sensor DesK senses temperature via a membrane-thickness caliper
(American Society for Microbiology, 2016-11)
Thermosensors detect temperature changes and trigger cellular responses crucial for survival at different temperatures. The thermosensor DesK is a transmembrane (TM) histidine kinase which detects a decrease in temperature ...
Reverse Engineering of a Thermosensing Regulator Switch
(Academic Press Ltd - Elsevier Science Ltd, 2019-03)
To address the mechanism of thermosensing and its implications for molecular engineering, we previously deconstructed the functional components of the bacterial thermosensor DesK, a histidine kinase with a five-span ...
Dynamic lipid-protein stoichiometry on E1 and E2 conformations of the Na+/K+-ATPase
(Elsevier Science, 2011-04)
Highlights: Intramembrane segments of Na+/K+-ATPase were labeled with [125I]TID-PC/16. E1-E2 transition is accompanied by changes in the number of annular lipids. © 2011 Federation of European Biochemical Societies. Published ...
Disclosure of cholesterol recognition motifs in transmembrane domains of the human nicotinic acetylcholine receptor
(Nature Research, 2011)
Abstract: Cholesterol influences ion-channel function, distribution and clustering in the membrane, endocytosis, and exocytic sorting of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (AChR). We report the occurrence of a cholesterol ...
A lipid-mediated conformational switch modulates the thermosensing activity of DesK
(National Academy Of Sciences, 2014-02)
The thermosensor DesK is a multipass transmembrane histidine-kinase that allows the bacterium Bacillus subtilis to adjust the levels of unsaturated fatty acids required to optimize membrane lipid fluidity. The cytoplasmic ...
The Spf1p P5A-ATPase “arm-like” domain is not essential for ATP hydrolysis but its deletion impairs autophosphorylation
(Academic Press Inc Elsevier Science, 2021-07)
The yeast Spf1p P5A-ATPase actively translocates membrane spanning peptides of mislocalized proteins from the endoplasmic reticulum. Loss of Spf1p function causes a pleiotropic ER stress-phenotype associated with alterations ...
Activation of the bacterial thermosensor DesK involves a serine zipper dimerization motif that is modulated by bilayer thickness
(National Academy of Sciences, 2015-05)
DesK is a bacterial thermosensor protein involved in maintaining membrane fluidity in response to changes in environmental temperature. Most likely, the protein is activated by changes in membrane thickness, but the molecular ...
Rational design and biological activity of synthetic compounds as blockers of potassium channels TASK
Potassium (K+) channels are part of one of the most abundant family of transmembrane proteins. K+ channels
allow the selective transfer of K+ ions inside or outside of the cell. Within this family we find K2P channels, ...
Distinct roles of the last transmembrane domain in controlling Arabidopsis K + channel activity
(Wiley Blackwell Publishing, Inc, 2009-04)
• The family of voltage-gated potassium channels in plants presumably evolved from a common ancestor and includes both inward-rectifying (Kin) channels that allow plant cells to accumulate K+ and outward-rectifying (Kout) ...