Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 2418
Trade restrictions with imported intermediate inputs: when does the trade balance improve?
(Elsevier, 1990)
Our model demonstrates that when imports are predominantly intermediate inputs, as in most developing countries, import restrictions cannot be always relied on to generate an improvement in the trade balance. Such restrictions ...
Google matrix analysis of the multiproduct world trade network
(Springer, 2015-04)
Using the United Nations COMTRADE database [United Nations Commodity Trade Statistics Database, available at: http://comtrade.un.org/db/. Accessed November (2014)] we construct the Google matrix G of multiproduct world ...
Intellectual property rights, trade agreements and international trade
(North-holland, 2019-03)
The global process of strengthening and harmonization of intellectual property rights (IPRs) systems has been intensified in the last twenty five years by the signing of trade agreements (TAs) that include chapters with ...
Uncertainty and trade agreements
(Amer Economic Assoc, 2015-11)
We explore conditions under which trade agreements can provide gains by reducing trade policy uncertainty. Given the degree of income risk aversion, this is more likely when economies are more open, export supply elasticities ...
Exclusion in ‘Ricardian’ Trade Models
(Routledge, 2020-12)
In the so-called ‘Ricardian’ trade models, exclusion from trade is impossible because a country can always compensate its technological backwardness with low wages. This result is ensured in these models due to the very ...
Import substitution, trade and development
(Helbing & Lichtenhahn Verlag Ag, 1980)