Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 28
Determinación de los factores de riesgo en accidentes de tránsito donde están involucrados vehículos de la categoría L en la ciudad de Cuenca
This article will establish a methodology through the respective entities for the reduction of transit accidents in Cuenca city where cars of the L category are involved. In that way, it will achieve awareness among users ...
Evaluación de impacto vial en Av. Fray Vicente Solano, operación vehicular y ciclovía
In the present work is evaluated the impact road that we have in the Av. Fray Vicente Solano, which proceeded to the decline of a vehicular lane in the movement of South-north by the construction of the ciclovía without ...
Análisis del impacto económico generado por los niveles de servicio de las vialidades en el centro histórico de la ciudad de Cuenca
The document makes an analysis of the costs generated by fuel consumption in service levels for 20 spots in the historic center of the city of Cuenca, proposed solutions to the problems causing congestion develops, and ...
Análisis de los niveles de servicio mediante la implementación del tranvía en la ciudad de Cuenca
The purpose of this research study is to determine the changes in urban vehicular mobility, each one of the intersections analyzed will be detailed; from within the field (vehicle capacity and measurement of the geometric ...
Calidad del servicio de transporte urbano en la ciudad de Cuenca
The document consists of an analysis of results and a proposal for improvement in the most relevant factors that intervene in the quality of the urban transport service, in the evaluation to the users was given with samples ...
Propuesta del trazado de rutas para ciclovías en la zona urbana de la ciudad de Cuenca
This project deals with the proposed route of cycle routes for the urban area of Cuenca; this idea is based on a sampling, which was carried out in the cycle of the real and potential population of the city of Cuenca, which ...
Estudio de los factores que inciden en el cumplimiento de la frecuencia de los buses de transporte urbano de las líneas 17, 25 y 27 de la ciudad de Cuenca
This research consists of an analysis and identification of study elements that determine the factors that influence compliance with the frequency of urban transport buses on lines 17, 25 and 27 of the city of Cuenca. In ...
Análisis de consumo de combustible de los vehículos de categoría M1 que circulan en el Centro Histórico de la ciudad de Cuenca en horas de máxima demanda en función de los ciclos de conducción
This document consists in an analysis of the fuel consumption into the Historical Center of the Cuenca city, in order to obtain the consumption of fuel average value for a give vehicle classification to obtain the costs ...